Ripley Publishing Company, Inc.

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In the Tuesday, March 25, 2025 issue

In the print edition:

Henry and Beach receive HBCA honors

South Ripley senior Cole Henry and Raider head coach Seve Beach were recently honored by the Hoosier Basketball Coaches Association.

Past images of Ripley County

Pictured is the Dabney School, 1905. The school was located in Dabney on the east side of the Old Michigan Road, just north of the Dabney Baptist Church. Pictured in the back row: John Barricklow, Jim Barricklow, Elnora Raney, Hilda Kelly, teacher Miss Kuhns Russel Vanosdol, Charles Harris, Martha Vanosdol, and David Ensminger,; middle row Harvey Rork, Henry Barricklow, Smith Vanosdol, John Vanosdol, Durward Aikins, Curtis Turner, Ralph Vanosdol, and Frank Edens. Front row Freda Kelly, Winonah Stevens, Dorothy Edens, Rosetta Reynolds, Sally Vanosdol, Wilma Edens, Letha Reynolds, Emma Ensminger, Della Vanosdol, and Edith Rayner. The school was closed in 1938 and the students then attended school at Holton.

First graders choo choo choose to read!

SRES first grade students participated in Choo Choo Choose to Read! Students read a book at home each night for a month. Each student that completed the program received a book, medal, train whistle, movie and snack.