Ripley County Tourism: A great direction to travel!

HarleyJo Kennedy Photo
As the pivotal force behind Ripley County Tourism, Terri Trowbridge works tirelessly to achieve grants and funding to provide entertainment to visitors and those who live here, alike!
Trowbridge meets with other County Tourism teams and they brainstorm to create ideas and opportunities for hosting out-of-town guests. They also find ways to entertain locals, with experiences they may not have had an opportunity to be involved in previously.
Did you realize there is a “Southeastern Indiana Coffee Trail” that includes 10 (maybe more this year) independently owned coffee shops on a “Trail” that can be accomplished with short “day trips” in Southeastern IN.
Each coffee house is unique and “locally and/or independently owned.” They each have their own signature “brand” and original attractions. Some are renowned bakeries and others host artist, to show and sell their wares.
This “Coffee Trail” began last year (May to December) and is scheduled to repeat again this year. The first run of the “Coffee Passport” was for 1000 “passports.” They quickly ran out and had to order another run of passports.
Each visit, one gets their passport stamped to validate the visit. The first 100 completed got a very nice reusable coffee mug in 2023.
Participants could pick up their prize at one of five different county tourism offices. All participants received coupons and a sticker that boasts the participation in the SEI Coffee Trail.
In 2023, TV and radio coverage of the launch of the “SEI Coffee Trail” sparked such interest that Coffee on Main, Batesville, received 25 new customers the first week of issue!
Local counties including (but not limited to) Dearborn, Decatur, Franklin, Jefferson, Jennings, Ohio, Ripley, and Switzerland try to coordinate events and “share” attractions instead of competing.
The counties participate in Regional Meetings for members of Indiana Tourism Association. Recently Jackson and Bartholomew Counties have expressed and interest in joining with these others to share regional ideas and events.
Ripley Co. Tourism is especially invested in supporting and promoting local festivals that are already established and a part of local history! The Pumpkin Show, Versailles; Hassmer Fest, Versailles State Park (VSP); The Apple Fest, Batesville; The Taste of Versailles, Versailles American Legion; National Muzzle Loaders Rifle Association (NMLRA), Friendship; and the local Historical Museums: Milan (’54 Basketball Museum); Osgood Historical Museum; Versailles Historical Museum; Music on the Square, Versailles Main Street; and others, benefit enormously from Ripley Co. Tourism and their support.
Ripley Co. Tourism provides in-town lodging, bed and breakfasts, as well as Airbnb locations in a pamphlet. All the pamphlets are free for the asking. One can visit the Ripley Co. Tourism office or request them to be sent by mail (there may be a fee for shipped pamphlets).
February will host two major events in Ripley Co. On February 10, Party Place Bridal Expo at RomWeber’s Market, Batesville. Then the all too tasty: Cherry Thing-A-Ling Days that Schmidt Bakery, Batesville, hosts.
Soon to begin (March 1 through May 4) is the Park Hop. 21 Ripley Co. Parks are included in a scavenger hunt! This year will include the new “Pocket Park” on the Courthouse Square, recently dubbed the Kevin Hensley Memorial Park. Finale at VSP on May 4. One can get more information at
March 14 through April 12 there will be a “Cosmic Gallery” at the Ripley Co. Tourism Office. It will feature “cosmic art” of all genres. The Gallery will culminate on/around the solar eclipse and our “path-of-totality.”
These are just a few of the upcoming events. Go to the Ripley Co. Tourism Office on US-50 and look at the plethora of pamphlets! Look them up on-line at; or call them at (812) 689-7431.
Grants, local businesses, and charitable organizations fund these events and provide the information in pamphlets.
Indiana Humanities funds the One State, One Story with grants. This IN Humanities grant stipulates there must be three events. Ripley Co. Tourism has taken this above and beyond in providing 22 programs at four libraries and three cinemas: Bel-Air Drive-In, The Damm Theatre, and The Gibson Theatre. All free and open to the public.
The Park Hop is funded by Indiana Inn Keepers Association.
Art in the Park, is funded by the Indiana Art Council. Art in the Park allows participants to engage in activities throughout the week. A Finale Art Show of works created with local artisans demonstrating their art occurs the following weekend.
Through the week there are stained glass, encaustic collage, acrylic pour projects, water color creations, alcohol inks art, recycle art projects, and/or other crafts offered. The Art Show is at the Open-Air Pavilion, Oak Grove at VSP.
This Art Show hosts demonstrations of: a potter; a black-smith, Gary Johnson and his assistant Fred Vinup; Southeastern Indiana Woodturners (; basket maker, “The Basket Man,” Friendship; Robin Dyer, Dyer Moccasins, Friendship; and more.
Originally planned for 80-90 visitors, Ripley Co. Tourism and VSP were pleased to host about 200 the weekend of the Art Show this past year. This involves a major influx of visitors to our area and businesses.
Obviously, Trowbridge is acutely in-tune with our county and local businesses. Trowbridge works closely with The Versailles Chamber of Commerce, other counties and business organizations.
Trowbridge works endlessly, putting in countless hours to create and promote local activities and events. She works behind a desk and inside “so others can go outside and enjoy the area” as she so aptly described her position.