Church Ministry offers help in disaster

Amy Davidson
At the end of last year, St. Peter’s United Church of Christ in Osgood decided they needed a ministry through their church. Pastor Sandy Gruell stated to the Osgood Journal, “We need something for outreach to our community. There is enough space for the church to man this ministry as we are using the area from our previous preschool area.”
The church has set up Psalms 121 Ministry with their mission: Giving God the glory by helping those in need, one disaster at a time. This ministry will help disaster victims such as anyone or family that have been victim of a fire, tornado or flooding in their home.
Their inventory has grown and now have more than enough to serve several families in need. They had set aside treasury monies to make sure supplies will be available. St. Peter’s United Church of Christ stands by their mission statement and Psalms 121:2; “My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” As Pastor Sandy said, “We are here to help if anyone needs help. We want to spread the word to the community of what we have to offer. Not a lot of the victims know their available resources to them after a disaster.”
Anyone in a disaster will need to call the church and leave a message and contact number so they can assist those in need of their services. You are required to have a referral from emergency services or a local church as the ministry is set up currently for disaster victims. You can contact at 812-852-4503 for assistance or email
Pastor Sandy has a committee of five dedicated women and herself who meet and strategize of how to make a difference for disaster victims in the community. Ripley County residents can receive disaster supplies such as cleaning supplies, toiletries, blankets, bedding and miscellaneous items when available.
The Ministry is accepting donations but will only except new items, and no used. Pastor Sandy told the Osgood Journal that they want the families to feel comfortable with new items. The committee is also set up for monetary donations. You can send to 1463 W. County Rd. 700N Osgood, IN 47037. Let’s join together and make a difference to these disaster victims.