In the Tuesday, February 13, 2024 issue

Tanglewood Baptist Legacy Fund founded
For over 150 years, the Tanglewood Baptist Church has been a committed and faithful servant of the greater Ripley County community. The imprint left by the decades of faithful members and attendees of this congregation is immeasurable, with ties to families all throughout the country and abroad. Christian values, servant leadership, and faithful giving have made this local church a truly resilient influence in our area. The consistent and overwhelming generosity of Tanglewood’s members and supporters has never faltered. The tithing that so many families and individuals have faithfully committed over the years is truly remarkable. Due to this unique and wonderful blessing, current members and church leadership agreed more needed to be done to not only serve the community from a financial perspective but preserve the legacy of Tanglewood in perpetuity. Henceforth, Tanglewood Baptist Legacy Fund was formed.

25 years strong at Milhousen Fire Dept Fish Fry
The Ladies Auxiliary and volunteer firemen served the choice of fish, tenderloins, or hotdogs with sides of fries and beans. This is the 25th year of the fish fry. Their next fish fry is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 23, 2024. Additional fish fries will be held March 8 and March 22.

Amberger is state finals bound
Batesville’s Max Amberger knew any path last Saturday would be tough but the Bulldog senior navigated the journey and punched a ticket to his first state finals berth as part of the IHSAA Wrestling Semi-State at New Castle.