In the Tuesday, April 19, 2022 issue
North Vernon man killed in Ripley County crash
Last Thursday, April 14, just before 7:00 a.m. a two-vehicle crash on State Road 48 near State Road 129 (Lookout area) claimed the life of a motorcyclist from Jennings County, according to Sgt. Stephen Wheeles, Public Information Officer, Indiana State Police, Versailles Post.
School Resource Officers continue to train for safety
Recently two days of training was held at the Southeastern Career Center, Versailles, for local School Resource Officers (SROs). SROs from several agencies in the area participated in this training. The training was given by Tony Stall, Instructor for Law Enforcement at the Career Center and Officer Dan Goris SRO at Jac-Cen-Del. The Officers were trained with a firearms training system computer program, which is a scenario based interactive firearms training system. The system allows the officers to make split second decisions as to shoot or not to shoot. The weapons used are laser type and allows the officers to review and discuss their actions. Pictured left are SROs from Jefferson County, Lawrenceburg, Dearborn County, and Mr. Stall, right, instructing. Local schools have committed SROs who know the level of safety of their students depends largely on them and the training they receive.
Happy Easter! Let it snow?
The day after Easter, April 18, big snowflakes were falling in the Versailles area in the morning, leaving a trace of the white fluffy stuff on the grassy areas and roof of the United State Post Office building on Washington Street. The prediction for Monday was to have a little bit of every kind of weather in that one day - typical Southeastern Indiana weather this time of year!