In the Tuesday, April 21, 2020 issue
State awards over $3 million to boost local road projects
Local communities recently rec …
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MMH offers in-house COVID-19 testing
On Monday, April 13, Margaret Mary Health began in-house COVID-19 testing. The testing is performed on the same analyzer as the Flu A/B and Strep A testing and will allow for results within a matter of hours instead of days. All laboratories in the U.S. are on limited allotments for COVID-19 testing.

Ripley County Prosecutor Testifies to Federal Comimssion
Ripley County Prosecutor Ric Hertel testified virtually on April14 to a Department of Justice Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice on the issues prosecutors around Indiana and the nation are seeing on domestic violence and sexual assault crimes. Hertel provided the commission with 10 recommendations he had on how to more successfully prosecute those kinds of crimes and took questions from the commissioner members as well.

KDH expands testing capability
King’s Daughters’ Health has expanded COVID-19 testing capability. If you are experience any of the following symptoms and would like to be evaluated by a provider, call the COVID-19 Hotline at 812-801-8101 to request an appointment. Cough, fever, extreme fatigue, muscle aches, sudden loss of taste or smell, shortness of breath, blueish lips, headache, sore throat, or new GI (gasitc intertinal) distress, you should call.