Ripley Publishing Company, Inc.

812-689-6364 |

April 7, 2020

In the Tuesday, April 7, 2020 issue

In the print edition:

Ripley County is going Orange

County Commissioners finally gave the nod for the county to have a travel advisory at a level orange at their Monday, April 6, meeting after much discussion and hearing from County Health Officer Dr. David Welsh. “I need your help.” Dr. Welsh, told the commissioners. “I don’t think going to orange will hinder our essential work here.” The orange advisory will go into effect Tuesday, April 7 at 6:00 a.m. for two weeks for now. Orange means essential travel only.

No gym? No problem. Exercise online with Tyson Activity Center and Courtney McGuire

“It’s hard to find motivation at home,” personal trainer and group fitness instructor Courtney McGuire says. That’s why the Versailles native has moved her classes online ever since Indiana’s “stay-at-home” order went into effect. Before the coronavirus pandemic hit home, McGuire was teaching exercise classes four days per week at Tyson Activity Center (TAC). Tuesdays and Fridays were for senior fitness, while Mondays and Thursdays were for small group training.

Milan pantry in need of product

The Milan Community Emergency Relief, located at 203 South Main St., Milan, is desperately in need of food donations and cash. Monetary donations can be mailed to the center, but due to the threat of the coronavirus, other items may be dropped off on the front porch at 500 South Main Street, Milan. There, the products will be sorted and sanitized before being taken to the pantry.