In the Tuesday, June 16, 2020 issue

Clean up Milan week is going on
Clean up Milan week is taking place from June 13 – June 20. This is the second year to hold this weeklong event. With social distancing and guidelines in place, this year will not include groups and organizations pulling together to paint and spruce up the town. The town council is asking individuals to clean up around their area and to help a neighbor if you are able. The council also thanked those who have already kept up on mowing and began cleaning.

Rybolt Cemetery gets permanent signage
A sign was recently placed near the sight of the Rybolt Cemetery near Napoleon. The sign is part of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Cemetery Heritage Project. The sign is located near the intersection of SR 48 and SR 229 east of Napoleon and was acquired and installed by members of the Ripley County Historical Society.

1,000’s of gallons of milk given away
The line was long last Wednesday, June 10 when the semi truck with Prairie Farm milk on the side was in place at the Versailles IGA store. It was supposed to be given away from 10:00 a.m. until noon. However, the milk truck was early, and volunteers were in place by 9:30, so the process began. They were still handing out gallons of milk at 1:00 p.m.