In the Thursday, November 19 issue
Police shoot Batesville man following 4-hour standoff
The lives of a family at Bates …
Read the story »Council approves regular and COVID-related funds transfers, additional approriations
As the year 2020 wraps up, Rip …
Read the story »Ripley County goes Red; restrictions set
The Ripley County Health Department has announced that the county will be upgraded to a Red Code Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 18, due to the continual rise in COVID-19 cases. Officials were working on paperwork and meeting with the commissioners on Wednesday to finalize plans for the county. Red is a step above Orange, where the county has been operating. This is a heightened level of awareness with more restrictions.
Versailles Main Street Holiday Affair has changes
Due to the increasing rate of COVID-19 infections and recent deaths in Ripley County, the Main Street Versailles group has made adjustments to their upcoming holiday plans.
It will no longer be a full blown event like last year. It will still take place on December 5 with a Santa drive-by prior to the town’s lighting of the Christmas tree.
Main Sreet Versailles will be sponsoring the Second Annual Christmas Tree Decorating Contest on the Square for the community to enjoy throughout the season.
Drug deal costs man 15 years of freedom
Gabriel (Eddie) Seitz, 30, of Versailles, will be spending the next 15 years in the Indiana Department of Corrections after he was sentenced on a Level 2 Felony charge of Attempted Dealing Methamphetamine. The defendant pled guilty on November 10 in Judge Jeffrey Sharp’s Superior Court after a Negotiated Plea Agreement was accepted. He was sentenced to 10-years of probation following his prison term. If Seitz complies with all the terms of probation for two years, the State agrees that he can petition the Court to terminate the probation.