Ripley Publishing Company, Inc.

812-689-6364 |

September 22, 2020

In the Tuesday, September 22, 2020 issue

In the print edition:

MMH to host blood drive on Sept. 29

Margaret Mary Health, in conjunction with Hoxworth Blood Center, is hosting a blood drive on Tuesday, September 29 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in a donor bus outside the hospital.

Fourth port will not be at the old AEP Plant in L’burg

A recent announcement from Governor Eric Holcomb noted that the state will not be moving forward with plans to purchase 725 acres of land that was formerly an American Electric Power Plant. This was touted as the fourth port for Indiana, but now is considered not viable due to the remediation work the land would need.

Town of Osgood plans to apply for grant for water system project

The Town of Osgood intends to apply to the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs for a grant from the CDBG Wastewater/Drinking Water Program. If received, these funds will be used for a water system improvements project. The project woul replace an existing water main on South Buckeye, from Jefferson Street to the front of REMC. As part of the process, S.I.R.P.C. has requested town attorney Lynn Fledderman to review the Resolution 2020-6 Four-Factor Analysis, Ordinance 2020-5 Fair Housing Ordinance and Ordinance 2020-4 Drug Free Workplace Ordinance. The resolution was approved contingent to Fledderman’s review and approval. The ordinances were passed under the suspension of the rules and contingent upon review and approval of Fledderman. The town will also be applying for grant funding from the Reynolds Foundation in the amount of $125,000 for this water project.