4 graduations held in 1 weekend

Milan graduates enjoyed the tradition of throwing their caps high in the sky after graduation on Saturday.
The weather cooperated perfectly with those who had outdoor graduation parties Saturday and Sunday, along with four graduations at Batesville, Milan, Oldenburg and South Ripley.
Milan kicked off the weekend at 10 a.m. Saturday morning, May 28 as students marched in to the traditional processional Pomp and Circumstance, followed by the National Anthem by the high school band.
Outgoing School Resource Officer Noel Houze was a guest speaking along with students Adam Volz and Karley Bushhorn. Class officers were Karley Bushhorn, president, Max Hartman, Jr. vice-president and Adam Volz, secretary. Their class motto was “Beginnings are usually scary, and endings are usually sad, but it’s everything in between that makes it all worth living,” by Bob Marley.
Batesville seniors took their last walk as students at 11 a.m. on Saturday. Sean Callahan and Jy-Lil Chappel led the Pledge of Allegiance for the large crowd. Will Messerschmidt is already serving active duty in the US Marine Corps.
Some of the academic accomplishments listed for the 2022 graduating class are: 42 students received a Core 40 with Academic Honor Diploma; 9 students received a Core 40 with Technical Honors Diploma, 30 students received an Academic Honors and Technical Honors Diploma and 69 students received a Core 40 Diploma.
South Ripley rounded out the day on Saturday with their graduation at 5:00 p.m. Four Valedictorians gave their speeches with the school’s motto “Be Kind” incorporated throughout their words of wisdom.
Students were honored for their various achievements with some having Core 40 with Technical Honors diplomas, others received the Governor’s Work Ethic Certificate and some received Jobs for America’s Graduates honor. Their class motto are the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
Oldenburg Academy held their Commencement Exercises on Sunday, May 29 with many students’ honors denoted by various medallions and chords. Post-secondary plans, scholarships and awards were outlined with another successful group of students leaving the academy a better person for being there.
The last school in Ripley County to have graduation will be Jac-Cen-Del, which is set for Saturday, June 4 at 2 p.m.
As the graduates took their places, received their diplomas – they are walking into the future with their heads held high knowing they have people who mentored, monitored and cared for them from parents and guardians to teachers, administrators and more. The community is thankful for the learning institutions and proud of the accomplishments of the many students who come through the door.