4-H King, Queen named; fair opens

Flanked by last year’s 4-H King and Queen, the 2021 4-H King and Queen were named at the opening ceremony of the Ripley County 4-H Fair on Sunday evening. Pictured from left: Zach Riehle, 2020 King, Shalee Harrington, who will now wear two crowns, Miss Ripley County 2021 and 4-H Queen 2021, Ethan Hansen, 2021 4-H King, and Shaylee Volz, last year’s 4-H Queen and this year’s third runner up for Miss Ripley County. The fair opened with the 4-H Corporation members being recognized by Bailey Dwenger, who was emcee for the evening. The fair will continue this week with much fanfare and everyone involved glad it’s open to the public and not a repeat of 2020 when COVID-19 took center stage.