9 puppies ‘ditched’ at Humane Society’s gate

These beautiful puppies are all attentive and waiting for their “Forever Home” at the Ripley County Humane Society. They were left in the ditch by the humane society building and thankfully were found in time to save them.
Recently, it was “good fortune” that an alert shelter staff member at the Ripley County Humane Society noticed that there were puppies which had been dumped/abandoned at the shelter gate.
Not only was it hot and humid, but these tiny puppies, estimated to be about five to six weeks old, had no access to shade or water. They had been abandoned to fend for themselves and could have easily been hit by passing vehicles.
The staff members searched the weeds along the roadside and rescued the helpless pups, one at a time, eventually rescuing nine. One staff member stayed for almost an hour, to make sure there were no more puppies hiding in the weeds or ditch nearby.
The reasoning behind why someone would do such a thing will never be known. However, it does show why everyone in the community needs to be familiar with the role of the Humane Society and understand the policies and procedures associated with its operations.
This is not the first time that the staff has rescued an abandoned animal. Unfortunately, it will not be the last, despite the fact that according to Indiana law “It is a misdemeanor to either abandon or neglect any animal in ones custody.”
The mission statement for the RCHS clearly states that it will “provide quality care and shelter to strays, abused, injured or unwanted dogs and cats, in a clean, safe, nurturing, cost effective environment, resulting in securing forever homes regardless of the amount of time involved in the effort.”
According to Manager Janet Orr, any individuals who have an animal or animals which they can no longer provide care for, can surrender the animal or animals to the shelter at no cost.
The RCHS is a “no kill” facility that is entirely dependent upon the financial support of the public to provide the care for the dogs and cats that are entrusted to the shelter while they patiently wait and hope to be adopted into a “Forever Home.”
There are many ways to support the dogs and cats at the shelter. This information can be found at their website: www.rchumane.com under Ways to Help.
Volunteers are also needed to socialize and exercise the animals, which is crucial for their health and well-being.
Any and all financial support or donated supplies, regardless of the amount, will be greatly appreciated.
It is important to remember that all animals that are outside in these extreme summer temperatures must have access to fresh water, food and cooling shade.
Animals, like people, can experience dehydration and death without these vital conditions. Also, according to Indiana law, it is a misdemeanor not to provide such basic needs.
The nine hound-mix puppies are doing well. If you are interested in adopting one, you can check with the local Humane Society. They will have all their vaccinations and have been spayed and neutered – and waiting for their Forever Homes.
The Ripley County Humane Society is located at 1202 W. County Road 150 N., (just off US 421 between Versailles and Osgood ). You can contact them at 812-689-3773 or check out their website at rchumane.com.