Apply for winter assistance now

“Jack Frost nipping at your nose …” is a delightful holiday memory of a line from a song. The reality of cold weather is a severe and life-threatening problem for one of three Americans (HOP Energy, 2023).
Winterization costs and home up-keep is continuing to increase. Electrical repairs and furnaces are more expensive than ever. However, electric companies are offering refunds/rebates/savings on new, more energy efficient appliances. But the cost of these appliances is still greater than in the past.
How does one keep up and live independently!?
Many families are shifting to multi-generational homes. Condensing multiple generations into one household reduces costs for all involved. Child care is better accommodated. Transportation for school needs, work and healthcare are communally taken care of.
Elder care, as the “baby boomer generation” ages, is cared for by multiple family members. Groceries, entertainment and personal needs are addressed by various household members. Many hands make light work.
But the costs! Costs of groceries, weatherization of homes, real estate upkeep, utilities, clothing, and insurance/healthcare are greater than ever. The costs of home purchasing, interest rates and closing costs are increasing.
As we approach winter weather, heating concerns arise. How and where do we look for assistance!? Who qualifies and what documents do we need!?
Look no further than EAP – energy assistance program – is offering resolutions. Go to
There you will be led to a map of Indiana. Click on your county and in the Ripley County area, it directs you to SIEOC (Southeastern Indiana Economic Opportunity Corporation). SIEOC serves several adjoining counties also.
From there click on the tab at the top that you need assistance with. Areas of assistance offered are: (from the “Home” page) Head Start – Housing – EAP – Weatherization – Bev Henry Fund – CKF.
From this page you can request a meeting for any of these assistance programs. There are FAQs and a list of all documents you will need for approval.
Many times, your energy bills would not be so outrageous if you did not have drafty windows or if you had a newer more efficient furnace. Often an old, water heater is driving up energy costs because of a build-up of calcium or lime.
These issues, as well as many others, can be addressed by assistance from these programs.
Another source of assistance is Human Services at 1(800) 296-8026 or (812) 372-8407, or Human Services have myriad programs for all stages and many needs that one might face both with a family or individually.
Previously printed were food pantries and other assistance programs available. One can retrieve these from your Local Ripley County Guide 2023. The ‘Guide’ is available at many stores for free.
If you find yourself or someone else in need, please reach out. Local town trustees can assist in emergency situations. There is no shame in reaching for a hand up. Everyone needs help at some point of their lives.