Bricktoberfest in Osgood is ready for you!

If you’ve been waiting all year long for the Osgood Bricktoberfest – wait no longer – it’s here!
Organizers of the event have been planning, searching, and securing the best talent for music, the best vendors to offer food, and a wide variety of booths with everything from a temporary tattoo to a Tae Kwon Do demonstration with everything in between.
This hometown festival is one you don’t want to miss. It’s a place on the historic Brick Street in Osgood that spills out into nearby streets and provides excellent entertainment for the whole family.
The day gets off to a running start with a 5K Family Fun Run by Be You Fitness. Registration will be at 8:00 a.m. Registration for the Car Show begin at 10 a.m. with the Show in full swing bynoon. This isn’t limited to cars, but will include tractors, Jeeps and motorcycles. Competition categories will include Owner’s Choice and Public’s Choice. There will be cash and other prizes given away throughout the event.
Beginning at 11:00 a.m. there will be live music with a welcome by the Jac-Cen-Del Band. Smoked BBQ will be served along with a Beer/Wine Garden. There will dessert trucks on the bricks as well.
A few of the highlights include the Osgood Public Library having a Booktoberfest from 2-6 p.m. They will be giving out a free book to each child while supplies last. Kids activities will include face painting and airbrushed temporary tattoos (some adults may like this too). There will be much more from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Grand Master Jerry Taylor of Taylor’s Tae Kwon Do Academy will be doing a demonstration at the event. He recently celebrated 40 years of providing countless instruction to many in the community and beyond. Who knows who you will see in the popular dunk tank?
Music will begin with the JCD Band at 11 a.m. and continue throughout the afternoon into the evening. Featured will be Alex Fuqua at 12:30; Working Class Villain at 2:30 p.m. 4:30 J. Elliott; 650North at 6:30 p.m. and Andrew Leaheyand The Homestead taking the stage at 8:30 p.m. “Wow, what a line up,” could be heard as planning was taking place.
Bricktoberfest is being sponsored by numerous businesses and organizations who are putting their money behind the event to make sure it’s the best. For more information you can see the full schedule at the Osgood Bricktoberfest Facebook Page or contact
See you on the bricks!