‘By the Book’ Wrestler has ties to local community

Gaston LaRue will be starring this Saturday, October 15 in his hometown of Versailles with Tri-State Wrestling at the Tyson Center in Versailles. He is excited to be coming to Versailles and looks forward to seeing everyone there.
It’s done ‘By the Book’ with Garrett Rogers AKA Gaston LaRue, a pro wrestler traveling the United States competing for wrestling titles. Garrett is 20 years old, a former resident of Versailles and 2019 graduate of South Ripley in 2019. He currently lives in Cleves, OH with his fiancé Priscilla Redwine and is getting married Oct. 16, 2022, “The day after the big show this weekend at the Tyson Center,” Rogers said.
Throughout his junior/senior years he played baseball and was also in the Drama Club and Show Choir at South Ripley. Garrett has always liked watching wrestling on TV with his Dad, Bryant Rogers and Mom, Danita along with his brothers Brytton and Brandon. When he was 14, he went to an event at the Tyson Center in Versailles and watched Supreme Wrestling. It was then he knew for sure he wanted to pursue his passion for wrestling. He always had support from his family to pursue his dream and also had great guidance from his grandfather, Dale Day, who was a minister of the Versailles Church of Christ for many years.
He stated to the Osgood Journal, “There is nothing like being at pro wrestling events. It’s so much fun!” After continuing watching numerous matches he spent time researching how he would go about getting into pro wrestling. In January 2019, Rogers went to see a WWE event in Arizona where he met one of the greatest wrestlers of all times Jeff Hardy. Jeff inspired Rogers to make wrestling happen for his future. This is where it all began.
While doing his research he also reminisced from years back when he had been at the Tyson Center watching Supreme Wrestling. He contacted Eric Drammond, trainer of Supreme Wrestling in Madison, IN about getting into pro wrestling. Garrett began training with Supreme Wrestling in June of 2019. During that period his trainer gave stage name—a story that Garrett fondly recalls.
One day through conversation Garrett and his trainer Drammond realized Garrett had been in Drama Club at South Ripley with Drammond’s daughter. Drammond remembered that Garrett portrayed Gaston on stage at South Ripley and Drammond called him Gaston LaRue.
After training for months by September he started competing at other local wrestling promotions in the name of in-ring experience. In December of 2019, he started wrestling on a weekly basis in Madison for Supreme Wrestling. When Drammond felt he was ready, he then lead Gaston to other states across the nation.
It was through those experiences that he learned of Tri-State Wrestling and their team learned of him. He’s been appearing on Tri-State Wrestling shows for about a year, and still regularly competes at Supreme Wrestling, along with other promotions throughout the United States including Generation Next Pro Wrestling in Kentucky and XVW Wrestling where he competes in the tag team division.
Outside the ring Garrett is a freelance writer who, writes articles and books for businesses and personal clients. He serves as a ghost writer behinds the scenes for book publishing companies. He is not an author but gets paid for his editorial time. While he loves writing his main passion is wrestling. Someday he would like to move to South Carolina with Priscilla to be closer to the two WWE and AEW’s developmental talent centers to help increase his chance to get signed to a full-time contract.
He wants to be able to make a career out of professional wrestling alone. He also has ambitions to travel globally with events scheduled in Canada in 2023 and a strong desire to wrestle in Japan and England. “Crowds are so unique and unlike the American audience there.” Garrett stated to Osgood Journal. Professional wrestling in Japan is an honored sport so the crowd is pretty silent and reserve small rounds of applause for victories. He described it as a clap scene at a golf tournament. In England the audience sings the chants instead of yelling and putting up signs for victory like the American fans do in support of the in-ring performers.
This Saturday, October 15, Garrett AKA ‘Gaston LaRue’ will be competing against J George in a singles match with Tri-State Wresting at the Tyson Center in Versailles. ‘Gaston’ said his opponent is very talented but he’s definitely up for the challenge.
He said to Osgood Journal, “I am excited to have everyone at the show back in my hometown again and would like to ask everyone to help support not only the event but the wrestlers with their merchandise to grow all of our futures in wrestling. Come out and watch me compete against J. George Saturday night. It will be—By the Book.”