C.A.R.E. group cares for animals

All animals need someone to care whether it is a pet or even livestock. Over the years the cost of animals’ vaccination, safety, and neglect has become a problem for Ripley County and surrounding areas and needs assistance, but cost is going to be factor. Without animal control the public’s only resources are the Sheriff’s office in Ripley Co. and their manpower is strapped taking care of regular emergencies that they deal with every day and can’t handle all the cases that come through because of the abundance of calls for animals needing assistance. Jennifer Price, Board of Animal Health in Indianapolis, stated in her press release on March 7, 2024, “The lack of animal control in any county definitely causes animal issues not to run as smoothly as those who do.”
There is need for assistance and Geneen Ostendorf has stepped up along with her sister Gayla and have rescued animals for over 18 years. She has a rescue now that she has had for two years named Chance. He is a German shepherd and loves the family as if he was meant to be. She named him Chance because she told The Versailles Republican, “This is the last chance he got and the best chance he ever had.” Osterndorf wants to work with Ripley County and the Humane Society to make sure animals are taken care properly and help people become knowledgeable for outside care of animals especially since winter is approaching. It may not seem a big deal to some, but it is important to keep the animals of society safe just like humans.
Osterndorf has founded the organization in February 2023 and established a group called C.A.R.E. to help with the county’s care for animals. She stated to The Versailles Republican, “We decided there needed to be a group that can help the county with animal control since at this time there is no animal control officer in Ripley County. There is a dog warden, but not for any other species of animals such cats, ferrets, horses and cattle. We are the only county in Southeast Eastern Indiana that doesn’t have an animal control officer.”
The C.A.R.E. organization is a County Animal Rescuers and Educators group that is “Not for Profit” that is wanting to improve the lives of all animals in Ripley County. Their mission is to inspire, educate, promote animal wellness and prevent animal neglect, abused and Zoonotic Diseases. The group would like to put a taskforce together to help people be able to care for their animals. Ostendorf told The Versailles Republican, “Straw should be the only bedding used because it doesn’t hold moisture. With winter coming on so many animals freeze to death not having the proper care and places to stay warm.”
Zoonotic diseases are transmitted from animals to humans. There are many zoonotic diseases from non-vaccinated pets or livestock such as rabies, which there has been 2 new cases in the state of Indiana in 2023 in Scott County. Other zoonotic diseases are encephalopathy (Mad Cow), Brucellosis, Lyme Disease, Rocky Mtn. Spotted Fever, West Nile Virus, Coronaviruses (Covid), Giardiasis, Blastomycosis, Bartonella (Cat Scratch), Acquired Immune Deficiency (AIDS), Ebola, and Avian Influenza, just to name a few many not listed.
The Organization’s long-term goal is to provide a low cost spay, neuter clinic, and an annual rabies clinic for Ripley County. Know your laws: IN Code 35-46-3-1. Harboring a non-immunized dog, of six months, or older, you are committing a Class C infraction. However, the offense is a Class B misdemeanor, if the dog causes bodily injury by biting.
It also states that all dogs, cats and ferrets older than 12 weeks of age to be currently vaccinated for rabies by a licensed and accredited vet to have on record. Clinics are needed for the convenience of the community due to the rabies disease on the rise.
The C.A.R.E. group wants to truly make a difference for Ripley County. They are currently trying to raise money to meet their end goal of the low-cost clinics. The group would like to invite anyone to join and inspire others to meet their dream goal or even donate to the cause. Make a difference and save animals in Ripley County they deserve a great life too.