Candidates in place for Primary Election

Monday, February 10 was the deadline for a candidate to sign up for Primary Election, which will be held May 5. The seats of two county commissioners, along with a county council at large position seem to be the biggest contested races among Republicans this year. There are four choices for those voting for a commissioner in District 2. They are: Robert Garcia, Barry Lauber, Chris Schmaltz, and Tom Menchhofer. For commissioner in District 3 there are three choices: Roger Gullion, James (Kendall) Hankins, and Keith Scott. For Ripley County Council – At Large, the choices are Katie Bailey, Andrew Decker, Peggy A. Ehlers and Kelly Vollet.
Lisa Vestal and Cathy Volz are both running for Ripley County Treasurer. Mary Ann McCoy, Keri (McDonald) Johnson, and Sara L. Patterson are running for the position of Ripley County Recorder.
Ginger Bradford is on the Republican ballot for Ripley County Clerk, a position she now holds and Jason Bailey is running for Coroner, also a position he presently holds.
The town of Holton will have three choices for the Holton Town Council – At Large where Paul Hughes, Amber May, Phyllis Nighbert and Andrew Stratton are all on the ticket (you vote for 3). Angela (Angi) Farrell is the only one on the Republican ticket for clerk-treasurer.
The Town of Osgood has one candidate on the Republican ticket for clerk-treasurer – Tamara (Tammy) Wilhoit. They also have one council-at-large seat open with Christopher L. Kuhn on the ballot. Roxanne Meyer is running for the Versailles Town Council – At Large.
On the Republican side of the road, Jean Leising is again running for Indiana State Senator in District 42; Randy Frye again for Indiana State Representative in District 67 and Cindy Ziemke again for Indiana State Representative in District 55.
Jeff Sharp, Republican, is on the ballot for Judge of Ripley County Superior Court, and Ryan J. King is on the ballot for Judge of Ripley County Circuit Court, 80th Judicial Circuit. Both have served as judges for the county for the past six years.
The presidential slots are full on the Democratic tick et with Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg, Pete Buttigieg, Tulsi Gabbard, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, Tom Steyer, and Elizabeth Warren are on the list.
Republicans will have two choices: incumbent Donald J. Trump or Bill Weld.
For United States Representative – Sixth District, the road narrows quite a bit for Democrats with their choices being George T. Holland, Jeannine Lee Lake and Barry Welsh. Republicans will be able to vote for incumbent Greg Pence or Mike Campbell.
There are no other candidates listed on the Democratic ticket for other slots for the Primary.
Delegates to State Convention names on the Republican ballot are: Ginger Bradford, William Bradford, Peggy Ehlers, Thelma Laws, Diane Macek, Mary Ann McCoy and John Moton.
Republican Precinct Committeemen listed are: Carol Siebert, Adams 3; Robert Vestal, Brown 1; Brenda Wetzler, Center 1; Mary Ann McCoy, Center 2; William Warren, Center 3; Paul Hardy, Delaware; Louis Martini, Franklin 1; Linda Baker, Franklin 2; Thelma Laws, Franklin 3; Carol Evans, Johnson 1; Ginger Bradford, Johnson 2; Marilyn Gausman, Laughery 1; John Moton, Laughery 3-1; Amanda Brunner, Shelby and Jon Nichols, Washington 2.
Everyone is encouraged to get out to vote. Get your proper identification in order by having a photo ID card or driver’s license. Also, make sure you are registered to vote. You can contact the election office at 812-689-4783.