Chamber to hold annual dinner meeting

If you’re interested in having a frightfully good time, come to the Ripley County Chamber of Commerce 2021 Annual Dinner & Awards Ceremony. The themed event – Wicked Affair – will be held Thursday, October 28 at the St. Florian 345 E. Ripley Street, Osgood. The doors will open at 5 p.m. where music, appetizers, cash bar, silent auction and networking will be offered.
Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. with an awards presentation to follow.
Business Person of the Year
Steve Woolum has been chosen at the 2021 Business Person of the Year. The owner, managing broker and auctioneer at Woolum Real Estate, has grown the business that was begun by his late father, Terry Woolum. From a home office and one man show, the brick and mortar business now has five real estate agents. Beyond that, Steve volunteers many hours some with the Child Advocacy Center, Bridge of Hope (food pantry and mission trip), Versailles Kiwanis, 4-H and much more.
Come, find out more about Mr. Woolum and his many accomplishments. Although, much of what he does cannot be seen by the naked eye, according to those who nominated him for the award. He has been, and continues to give to those less fortunate and he enjoys the fact that no one knows or sees it.
Educator of the Year
Ashlee Miller was a great fit for the Educator of the Year award. Her nomination letter described her as someone who does an outstanding job helping students throughout the school year. She has organized small group counseling, creating subtopics such as anxiety, peer relations/social skills, changing families/divorce, anger management, and self esteem. She sees dozens of students on a regular basis as the guidance counselor with Principal Derik Hutton saying, “The progress these students make is remarkable.”
Citizen of the Year
Phil Mohr was named Citizen of the Year. The retired Indiana State Police Detective from Osgood, retired from that position in 2001 after serving since 1967. He has served on several boards and committees over the years and is a Deacon of the Osgood First Baptist Church, where he teaches a weekly Bible Study class. In his nomination letter it was stated, “Phil has spent his entire life serving, protecting, guiding, directing and loving this community and the people in it. There is nothing he loves more than helping others and showing and serving the ways of the Lord.” It was said that he never asks for anything in return for all he does and never judges.
Come be a part of an exciting evening of fun and laughter. Entertainment will be provided by Fun Pianos-Traveling Dueling Pianos Show by 176 Keys. Please RVSP by October 20 to the Ripley County Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 576, Versailles, IN 47042 or call 812-689-6654. Dinner tickets are $30 each. You’re invited to come dressed in your Halloween best to celebrate some of Ripley County’s finest.