Commissioners hear from potential employee and updates from departments

On June 29, the Ripley County Commissioners heard updates from county departments, as well as individuals.
Resident Kim Johnson attended the meeting to introduce herself and make the commissioners aware she was interested in the housekeeping job. At the end of the meeting, commissioners discussed the resumes they received for the open housekeeping position. After reviewing, Commissioner Gary Stutler made a motion to hire Johnson, with Commissioner Rodney Stratton seconding the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
There were visitors at the meeting to discuss insurance. Patti Boudrot and Bill Sylvester gave an update on the health insurance and informed the commissioner that they are available if any employee needs anything in regards to insurance. Mark Jacob, Hummel-Winter Insurance also attended the meeting to introduce himself and inform the commissioners about benefits for the county. It was requested that Jacob come back in January and discuss a quote for the insurance.
Ginger Bradford, Clerk’s Office, discussed a marriage license with an individual in jail. Commissioners stated Attorney John Ertel would need to help the clerk’s office with the legal obligation of the office. Commissioners stated they want the court system to decide.
Sheriff Jeff Cumberworth introduced a new hire for the jail. He also stated the county got a bill for the removal of county property from former EMA director Shawn Alvarado. Ertel will send Alvarado a letter to get the county’s money back. Cumberworth also brought in two bids for the renovation of the new sheriff’s office, one from Jeff Hafft Contracting & Construction and one from A. Nobbe Construction. Stutler and Stratton voted to accept Nobbe’s quote, with Commissioner Mark Horstman abstaining.
Craig Herbert, Maintenance, advised the commissioners that the elevator in the courthouse is out of service and the generator in the health department needs work. Herbert had one quote, but was informed by the commissioners to get a second quote.
Ray Toops, Highway Department, stated that Dave O’Mara has completed Woodland Trace. Toops also stated that chip and sealing has begun in the county.
In regards to technology, Becky Cairns requested a 2-year FireEye contract be approved, which passed unanimously. She also gave numbers for new servers for the highway and the replica server and recorder server. Cairns stated she was going to put several things in her budget that normally came out of the commissioners’ budget.
Shannon Schmaltz, Court Services, attended to get a letter of intent from the county commissioners signed for grants the have applied for. Schmaltz also brought in two quotes for the front window in the Court Services office. Commissioners approved the quote from Halcomb for $1,383.40.
Scott Huffman, EMS made the commissioners aware the he was getting quotes for new flooring in the Versailles EMS station. He also brought in a copy of the architect design quote for the plans of the Milan EMS. Commissioners requested that Huffman call a couple of realtors to get the least expensive percentage to sell the Delaware building.