Double the Blessings

CEF – Child Evangelism Fellowship, has many outreach programs in addition to the Good News Clubs in local schools. According to Bridget Back, the Southeast Indiana local Director, their chapter had a summer outreach that was double the amount a year ago. According to Back, God opened the door to reach “double” the children. Part of the reason for this is the fact that they hired a fulltime ministry coordinator, Lindsay Elston, a former Good News Club student who also served as a summer missionary all the way through college. They hope to hire a CEF Good News Club coordinator this year.
This summer they shared the Gospel with more than 750 children and that number doesn’t reflect the parents and families who were listening on the side. Twenty-four children believed in Jesus as their Savior. Ministry was held in over 40 different locations in our local area. Neighborhood parks were where many “open area” events took place. Missionaries invited kids over to have snacks and make bracelets with beads matching the colors of the Wordless Book. About 80 children heard the story of Jesus by making these simple bracelets.
CEF also holds the Camp Good News at Southeastern Baptist Youth Camp near Westport, Indiana each year. This year they had 100 campers ages 8-12. These same summer missionaries planned and carried out this camp, which operated much like a 5-day Club. They were also on hand at the Ripley County Faith this year making bracelets and sharing the Gospel.
Summer missionaries also were trained to teach Watermelon Party Clubs. These parties were held at local daycares and churches. There’s a “secret” in the watermelon that you too can find out about if your group schedules a party club. They also host one time events like Easter, Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Fall Parties. Party Clubs will continue for the next few months. In addition, many existing and new Good News Clubs will start all across Southeast Indiana.
This year the Summer Missionaries were young people who love Jesus, have often themselves been in Good News Club as children and are trained by CYIA, Christian Youth In Action, to serve their world by doing 5-day Clubs. 5-day Clubs are 90 minute segments held during the summer in backyards, community centers, parks, and other locations for five consecutive days where the Gospel is clearly presented through Bible lessons, a missionary story, exciting games, songs, and much more . When kids learn about Jesus, their lives can be transformed and their future changed. This year’s summer missionaries were young people like Abby, Addison, Annabell, Anna, Caleb, Elan, Emmy, Hailey, Kaitlyn, Kathryn, Lilly, Macey, Megan, Phoenix and Ruth. According to the CEF newsletter, the level of teaching from the summer missionaries this summer was outstanding.
According to Robert J. Morgan’s book “Every Child Every Nation Every Day,” Child Evangelism Fellowship began in 1937 when a California pastor named Jesse Irvin Overholtzer read a book of Charles Spurgeon’s printed sermons. He read these words: “A child of five, if properly instructed, can as readily believe and be regenerated as anyone else.” Overholtzer decided to test Spurgeon’s assertion and in no time 21 children had accepted Christ. This prompted him to start an organization for the sole purpose of evangelizing and discipling youngsters through Child Evangelism Fellowship. According to Bridge Back, CEF came to Ripley County in 2004.
According to Back, the CEF organization has a three-part purpose: Evangelizing, making disciples, and establishing children in Bible-believing churches. CEF is a para-church group coming alongside the local churches to serve them. Donations come in from churches, individuals, and businesses, all of which is used to promote the mission of CEF. CEF is also a interdenominational organization who desire to serve with all denominations. Churches that partnered with CEF this summer were a great blessing. CEF has been in seven counties this summer: Decatur, Dearborn, Jefferson, Jennings, Johnson, Ripley and Wayne. Back hopes to get a Good New Club started up in Fayette County soon.
This is their 65th year as a ministry in Indiana. In celebration of this accomplishment, the Indiana CEF state office is challenging the local chapters to get 10 new donors to agree to give $65.00 a month. The more that is donated, the more money will be available for the local chapters. This is their $65,000 Incentive Challenge Fund.
This is a worthy cause and anyone can volunteer for CEF Good News Clubs. Contact Bridget Back or call her at 812-756-1694. Lindsay Elston is also available at or 812-621-8083. CEF Southeast Indiana has a local office in a small business complex across from the IGA in Versailles. Bridget and Lindsay would love to partner with you and your church.