End of Watch for Lt. Randy Holt

The law enforcement community, along with family and friends of Lt. Randy Lee Holt, 57, is mourning the loss of their friend.
End of Watch for Lt. Holt was on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at his home near Osgood. “I was right by his side,” wife Renee noted, as she has been for many years.
Integrity, respect, honesty, loyalty, dedicated, genuine, fun loving, outdoorsman, and grill master are just a few of the things that are said when Lt. Holt is described. He is also described as a “warrior and a saint”.
An active officer with the Ripley County Sheriff’s Department, his wife noted he worked right up until a week before his death from pancreatic cancer. “He was dedicated to his career of serving,” Renee told the Osgood Journal. She said she has willingly shared him with the community throughout his career where he remained steadfast to the service of others for over 30 years where he mentored and trained hundreds of officers.
While Lt. Holt was an exceptional law enforcement officer, he was much more. He was a son, brother, husband, father, grandfather, friend, mentor, and confident. He took life seriously when it was warranted, and light-hearted at other times. He knew the meaning of true friendship. His zest for life and trying something new was unparallel to many others. He hunted, fished, went frog-gigging and turtle trapping. He thoroughly enjoyed the great outdoors. He was adventurous and had already announced his candidacy for Sheriff for the next term.
Lt. Holt will be laid to rest on Tuesday, September 17.
The Patriot Guard has been invited by his family to take part in the final salute which will be complete with all law enforcement honors. Funeral services will be at 11:00 a.m. at the Meyers Funeral Home in Batesville. Burial will follow at Craven Cemetery in Milan. The community is invited to the funeral service and to line the procession that will pass the intersection of SR 129 and E CR 1350 N (Bischoff Rd) where a garrison flag will be displayed in Lt. Holt’s honor. Honors will be rendered by the Indiana Sheriff’s Association with four motor officers for the procession. There will be numerous other police vehicles in the procession including Lt. Holt’s own car, which is expected to be driven by Deputy Bob Curl. The Patriot Guard will lead the procession and stand guard at the cemetery where final good-byes will be said.
Flags will be presented, traditional draping will be displayed, and for just a few hours, the life of Lt. Holt will be honored as those participating put everything on hold to remember a life well lived.