Fairgrounds vandalized 5 times in 2 months

Vandalism has occurred recently at the Ripley County Fairgrounds Park in Osgood. Within the past two months there have been five episodes of this type of behavior which is costing a lot of time and money to repair.
Bathroom doors have been kicked in, soap dispensers knocked off the walls, and the west storage area at the grandstands broken into where the suspects have taken fluorescent light tubes and had sword fights with them (this is recorded on video).
More vandalism includes newly planted perennials taken out of the ground along the Farm Bureau building. The plants were never recovered. To go along with this, another place in Osgood was vandalized with plants being taken from a residence on Saturday night, July 15.
On Saturday the east storage area was broken into, and packages of pork ribs were taken from a freezer and thrown about the storage area, grandstands and that particular area of the fairground park. Several cases of water were stolen with the suspects appearing to have water fights with the water bottles and leaving the mess behind.
If you see suspicious activity at the fairground park or anywhere for that matter, please call authorities. These vandalisms are costing taxpayers and local citizens a lot of money.