Friendship iconic house goes up in flames

According to information from the Friendship Volunteer Fire Department, the Jim Lemon property was fully engulfed when they arrived on Saturday, March 12 after they were dispatched to a structure fire on SR 62. Firefighters initiated an exterior attack and then went inside. With the age of the structure, numerous remodels and hidden dead spaces, firefighters quickly repositioned to the outside. Some challenges for the firefighters were the water supply and freezing temperatures. The home was a total loss with the family losing everything. There were no injuries from the fire. Also on scene to assist Friendship were Versailles, Dillsboro, and Osgood fire departments, Ripley County EMS, REMC, and Wood Excavating. Aurora Fire Department covered the area for Versailles, as they assisted with the structure fire Saturday night. Anyone interested in helping the family can contact the Friendship Grocery, where they have boxes placed to collect personal hygiene products, non-perishable food items, etc. Check with Ann Vogel, owner of the store for specific items.