Grace finds her forever home with other pets

Pictured above, Mrs. Sizemore gets a big kiss from Grace on the day she was adopted from the Ripley County Humane Society. Pictured at left is the day Grace came to the shelter, afraid and hurt.
February 1 was a wonderful day at the Ripley County Humane Society for the staff, but especially for Grace, a six-month old puppy that was adopted into a “Forever Home”.
From a previous article, readers may recall that Grace was rescued from being hit on the road by a Good Samaritan after she had been “dumped” at the shelter’s gate.
Janet Orr, shelter manager, recalled that it was obvious that Grace had been both abused and neglected, as she had multiple open wounds on her feet, legs and other parts of her body.
According to the veterinarian who treated her, the wounds were caused by her being confined and forced to stand and lie in her feces and urine. She also shows signs of extreme malnutrition.
Grace’s veterinary bills were extensive, amounting to nearly $1,000, but the generosity of individuals who donated to Grace’s care through the Go-Fund-Me Page and mailed donations, was amazing and demonstrated the community’s concern for abused and neglected animals.
Recently, Mrs. June Sizemore was contacted, who along with her husband, and granddaughter, welcomed Grace into their home.
From the very beginning of telephone conversations to the end, it was obvious that Grace has been adopted into an animal loving “St. Francis Forever Home.” As Mrs. Sizemore explained, Grace was welcomed to their home of four dogs, three cats, two birds and one pet mouse.
How did Grace react to her being adopted? The photo of Mrs. Sizemore and Grace, that was taken at the shelter the day that Grace was adopted clearly shows the “bonding” between the two, a bonding that had been formed during the frequent visits that Mrs. Sizemore made to the shelter to keep track of her progress as Grace’s many wounds were healing.
The staff mentioned that the puppy treats that Mrs. Sizemore regularly provided for Grace during her visits also strengthened their bonds.
According to Mrs. Sizemore, Grace has clearly become part of their family. During her first evening she totally enjoyed the thrill of being able to run freely (for over 45 minutes) with her adopted canine brothers and sisters. One can only surmise that this was the first time in her life that she knew such joy, love, security and freedom.
Grace’s rescue is not the first time that the shelter has taken in abused and neglected cats and dogs. Sadly, it will not be the last. The Humane Society of the United States estimates that “nearly 1 million animals a year are abused or killed in episodes of domestic violence.”
Thankfully, there are caring people like Mr. and Mrs. Sizemore along with those who support the shelter . As a non-profit “No Kill” shelter, the RCHS is entirely dependent upon adoptions, grants and the generosity of donors who help to support the animals who are entrusted to the shelter.
For those wanting to offer their support, there are many ways including walking dogs and spending time socializing with the shelter’s population of canines and felines. Regular human interactions are vital in preparing the dogs and cats for their adoption into “Forever Homes.” Information can be obtained at their website: under “Ways