Jac-Cen-Del, community partner for breast cancer awareness

The windows at Casey’s in Osgood have been graced by the artisti hands of students in Mrs. Stacey Gray’s art classes at Jac-Cen-Del. This is reminder to the community of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and that the school and businesses partnered together to remind everyone of the important subject.
The Jac-Cen-Del Community School board met October 19, at 6 p.m. in the JCD Elementary library. According to Ryan Middleton, JCD Corporation Superintendent, Stacey Gray, JCD art teacher, and her students, were responsible for painting a pink ribbon in the store window at Casey’s for their pink initiative for breast cancer awareness month. This is an excellent way in which the school and the community can work together. Middleton was happy to report that the JCD Corporation has been given a financial stability rating of AA+.
JCD Elementary’s new motto this year is: At JCDE, we treat others right, make smart decisions and maximize our potential by working hard every day. Some amazing educational events have been happening the JCDE, according to Trent Whaley, Principal.
The preschool children have had Deputy Dan and Principal Whaley in to visit as a way to help them focus on different Community helpers.
Kindergarten is already showing progress in developmental and educational levels.
First grade completed a Johnny Appleseed unit with making applesauce being their highlighted event.
The second grade is participating in a program called Endless Possibilities in which they host Safe Passage from Batesville once a month as they focus on character development.
Third grade had an egg drop challenge using a scientific method and focused on the skill of inferencing wearing “spy” gear.
The fourth grade hosted Margaret Mary Health to discuss safety with medications.
Fifth grade have “Fitness Friday” each month using yoga and other movements.
The sixth grade dissected owl pellets.
In addition to what each grade level is doing, Title One and Special Education is busy assessing and keeping track of student growth to meet individual needs. Art students have decorated drink sleeves for the Upper Room. A fundraiser campaign has started with the hope of enhancing JCD outdoor learning spaces and replace playground equipment. JCDE has launched the “Core Essentials” program to focus on a specific skill each month. High school students Cloey Simon and Josh Pohle have advanced to semi-state in Cross Country.
Under financial concerns, the following agenda items were approved unanimously:
Payroll and other claims for October.
2021 Budget and Plan for these funds: Education, Operations, Debt Service, Rainy Day, Bus Replacement Plan and CPF Plan as advertised.
Presented a debt as uncollectable.
Under personnel issues, the following people were approved unanimously for these coaching assignments:
Boys Freshman Basketball Head Coach – Jacob Todd
Boys Elementary Basketball Head Coach – Clint Bohman
Boys Seventh Grade Basketball Head Coach – Larry Hammond, Boys Eighth Grade Basketball Head Coach – Nick Simon.
Other agenda items that were approved unanimously included: minutes of meetings held September 21, 2020: Budget Public Hearing, Public Hearing for Lease Financing. Bargaining Public Hearing, and the regular board meeting.
Second reading and adoption of the Neola Policy Update Volume 32 # 2 and Special Updates.