JCD Board hears construction update

At the regular July Jac-Cen-Del School Board meeting, Superintendent Sam Melton told the Board that the high school roof project should be finished yet that week, which was July 15, if the weather would hold out.
Supt. Melton also noted that the track rubber surface should be completed soon, and line painting is getting ready to begin throughout the parking lot. They are working with contractors to make sure things are completed to the satisfaction of the school. He said nothing would be signed off on until all parties were satisfied. He is working on a construction update page for the school’s website where information and photos will be shared.
The Board thanked the maintenance crew for all they have been doing over the summer. They noted it was a very challenging time for them with all the construction that is going on. Also, the Board thanked the Central Office and administration for the updates on the summer projects.
The open houses for both the Jac-Cen-Del Elementary and High School are set for August 1 at 5:30 p.m. There will also be the annual cookout to kick off the new year.
Under Personnel:
Kayla Galyen was approved as fifth grade teacher; Alyssa Moorman was approved as 8th grade volleyball coach, Baylee Dwenger was approved for 7th grade volleyball coach; Kirsten Adams was approved as Life Science high school teacher, and Anthony Moorman was approved as Girls’ Varsity assistant basketball coach. The Board approved the non-renewal for SRO Clark Lecher.
Resignations included Janae Adams as 7th grade volleyball coach, Raelynn Kieffer as part-time custodial, and Mackenzie Kopplin as teacher.
In Other Business:
The contract for the Superintendent was approved as presented.
The Board approved the JCD Eagles Athletic Handbook as presented, along with the elementary and high school students’ handbooks for the 2024-2025 school year.
The Board approved the first reading of the new cell phone policy. They also approved the resolution for Education to Operations transfers per a document given to board members. The minutes from the June meeting were approved, along with payroll and other claims for July.
Those present for the meeting were James Gayheart, Michael Davis, Tiffany Foster, Daniel Horn, Debra Roberts, Supt. Samuel Melton, Trina Huff, staff and patrons.
The next regular meeting of the Jac-Cen-Del School Board of Trustees will be held August 19 at 6:00 p.m. at the Jac-Cen-Del Elementary Library.
Editor’s Note: Information for the above story was taken from July 2024 unofficial minutes.