JCD implements COVID-19 procedures

Principal Trent Whaley is proud of the Jac-Cen-Del Elementary School and the way the students and staff are handling the start of a new year in a really new way. They are practicing social distancing as evidenced in the above picture in Renee Borgman’s second grade classroom.
Karen Reynolds
The Jac-Cen-Del Community School Board met August 17 at 5 pm for a special meeting to consider approving a second amendment to the lease agreement between the Corporation, as lesser and JCD Community School Corporation, as lessee, dated July 21, 2010 as previously amended. Damian Maggos and Jeff Qualkinbush gave a presentation regarding the refinancing of bonds. This was followed by a bargaining public hearing to receive public input on bargaining items prior to formal bargaining.
The regular board meeting began immediately following the bargaining meeting.
Ryan Middleton, JCD superintendent, updated the board concerning the procedures that have been implemented due to COVID-19. Middleton maintains that all buildings are running very efficiently. More and more e-learning/hybrid students are choosing to come back to the buildings due to the positive safety and health measures in place. High school principal Fred Unsicker thanked both staff and students for how they have stepped up to the plate. Trent Whaley, JCD Elementary principal, stated he could not have pulled this off without his staff, who had vision for what is best for the students.
Under personnel concerns, thefollowing changes were made unanimously:
Resignation of JV baseball coach Daniel Leonetti effective immediately.
Resignation of JCD boys basketball coach Timothy Blake Sutton effective immediately.
Leave of absence for Devota Dean due to COVID-19 for the school year.
Anna Wallpe hired as Speech/Language Pathologist beginning this school year with pay and benefits per the master contract.
Rachel Spurlock hired as the third grade teacher beginning this school year with pay and benefits per the master contract.
Gerald Wayne Dilk hired as a custodian for this school year with pay and benefits per the support staff package.
Tonya Hughes hired as a high school instructional aide for the school year with pay and benefits per the support staff package.
Jessica Riche hired as a high school instructional aide for the school year with pay and benefits per the support staff package.
Nichole Drockelman hired as guidance secretary for the school year with pay and benefits per the support staff package.
Sharon Menchhofer hired as a cook assistant at the high school effective immediately with pay and benefits per the support staff package.
David Mullikin as bus driver effective immediately with pay and benefits per the support staff package.
Lisa Horn as Girls fifth and sixth grade basketball coach for this school year.
Under financial concerns, the following items were approved by the board unanimously:
Payroll and other August 2020 claims.
Resolution to preliminarily approve the amendment to the lease agreement.
In other news, SISIC, the Southeastern Indiana School Insurance Consortium, will be changing to a self-funded Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement or MEWA starting January 1, 2021.
The board was very appreciative of all the hard work the administration and staff have pulled together in spite of a difficult situation. Jim Westerman said he noticed how hard everyone is working to keep things clean. Travis Neal said the principals are to be commended for their good leadership.
Ryan Middleton, JCD superintendent, said all JCD students who have tested for COVID-19 have tested negative. Middleton stated that “JCD has a good back-up plan and we feel pretty safe at this time.”
Those attending this meeting were Stephen Huntington, Travis Neal, Jim Westerman, Jason Smith, Jason Wagner, Ryan Middleton, Fred Unsicker, Trent Whaley and Trina Huff.
The next regular business meeting will be September 21 at 6 pm in the JCD Elementary library.