JCD schools off to a good start

JCD students could be found planting a tree in memory of Landon Turner, who lost his life in a tragic accident this year. He is a 2021 graduate of JCD.
Jac-Cen-Del Schools started the school year with a “meet the teacher” cookout that was well attended. Both buildings worked together to offer over 500 hamburgers and hot dogs. School officials thanked the community for their support.
Under the elementary school principal’s report, Dee Budd noted the UDL Training is underway for both schools. Universal Design of Learning Model is an approach to teaching and learning that gives all students equal opportunity to succeed.
It was noted that preschoolers are riding the buses this year. This is a new endeavor, but with children sitting towards the front of the bus and in five-point harnesses. Some high school students are assisting the bus driver to make sure the children are buckled in their seats in the mornings.
Principal Budd said the tech department has spent many summer hours getting ready for the year getting student devices ready.
Under personnel:
Peggy Burkey was granted medical leave. Resignations included: Jason Walke, high school teacher and varsity girls’ golf coach; Tonya Hughes, special education aide; Anthony Moorman, varsity girls’ softball coach and varsity girls’ assistant basketball coach; and Jacob Todd as freshman/JV assistant boys’ basketball coach.
Hires include: Tonya Hughes, high school teacher; Sherri Bogan, cook assistant; Crystal Dickman, cook assistant; Andrew Douglas, JV baseball head coach; Trista Poman, flags/color guard sponsor; Kayla Bowling, junior high girls basketball coach; Karolyn Harmeyer, junior high soccer coach; and Makayla Parcell, varsity girls’ golf head coach.
High School Report:
Interim Superintendent/High School Principal Fred Unsicker reported that school is off to a great start. He said the school has their first student teacher in three years – Sydney Smith, who is working in the agriculture department with Sarah McGee.
Students will be painting their parking spaces on September 1. “This has turned into a good tradition with our students. Our older kids enjoy it, the art club enjoys it, and the elementary kids enjoy seeing what the big kids paint on their parking spots,” Unsicker noted.
As the interim superintendent, Unsicker thanked Bill Craddock and the transportation crew for finding a system that worked for the preschoolers. He thanked the office staff for their help while he managed the dual role of both superintendent and principal. “I feel we have a pretty good system worked out and things are working pretty smoothly,” he noted.
The vacancy for the superintendent’s position has been posted with the deadline to apply being September 6. A survey will be posted to the school’s website. This will be an anonymous survey to the public that can be completed on what they think the school should look for in a superintendent. The surveys will be reviewed by the board and search committee.
In other business:
The board approved to donate 10 iPads to Ripley County EMS and 10 iPads and cases to the Ripley County Purdue Extension Office that were not sold during the buyback portion of the replacement period.
A staff member brought a concern before the board. She noted that she is hearing in the public about having non-licensed teachers in high school position and how this will affect the education of the students. Mr. Unsicker noted that the shortage of teachers is state wide and not unique to JCD. He commented that many schools are being forced to make decisions to fill these positions that may be out of the norm. He said he has taken care to put the right people in these positions who are willing to take the training needed to succeed.
Athletic Report:
Paul Stone reported that he has been in contact with Verlin Custer about getting the softball field lights worked on. He said the pole at the softball field is still on the
Bleachers in the gym need to be repaired. Mr. Craddock has quotes from the Lee Company to fix them.
The soccer goal has been repaired and the scoreboard has been fixed with a new receiver and new name plates attached.
The high school floor was sanded in 2013 and the elementary in 2005. Floors usually last around 20 years so they will look at getting the elementary floors done soon.
Stone would like to add men’s volleyball, middle school baseball and middle school softball as official sports and have stipends added to these positions. More research will be done on this.
Maintenance Report:
Bill Craddock reported that the LED Lighting Project should be completed by September 1.
The HVAC Project is nearly complete. They are still waiting on two units for the tech work room and computer lab on south end of the building.
JCD has accepted the current offer from the insurance company concerning the elementary roof. This will cover 100 % of the cost of a complete new roof. Southern Roofing was the lowest bid out of the four companies. They have received a contract from JCD, have ordered materials, and the school is waiting to see their proposed schedule.
The engineer has given the school the green light to proceed with re-roofing the high school. They have a tentative budget value of $1.135M to re-roof the high school. They have begun working on the roof and will fix and seal as many of the leaks as possible to get through the winter. The installation of the new roof will be in the summer.
The next regular meeting of the school board will be Monday, September 19 at 6 p.m. in the elementary library.