JCD Supt. praises students, staff

JCD Supt. praises students, staff
At the December meeting of the Jac-Cen-Del Board of Trustees, Superintendent Ryan Middleton reminded those gathered that snow and severe weather will be a factor at some point after Christmas break. He noted that the school’s decision will be broadcast on radio and television stations along with Facebook. They will also continue to use the school’s text service to notify.
Supt. Middleton noted the decision to call a two-hour delay or call school off completely, is determined by a group of people as a whole who are out very early in the morning driving and evaluating roadway conditions.
At the meeting Tracy McKittrick was recognized for her selection as Indiana’s representative to the U.S. Senate Youth Leadership Program. Computer science students, Kaleb Sullivan, Gabe Maloney and Clay Davis created an app for the CS for Good Competition hosted by Nextech. They were chosen as finalists and presented their app to judges at the Indiana State House. The team was in the top four for their division. Congratulations were given to the students and their teacher, Amelia Comer. It was noted that Mrs. Comer has been a great asset to the school’s computer science and robot program.
Supt. Middleton noted that JCD has a lot of wonderful things happening in each building. “Our students are a great reminder of what we do every day. We are truly blessed to have such a dedicated faculty/staff and students.”
It was also noted that Mr. Papandria, band director for the school, would be marching in the Tournament of Roses Parade as part of the Saluting America’s Band Directors marching band. The band features almost 300 band directors from all 50 states and throughout North America.
Under Personnel: Christina Volz resigned as route bus driver, David Veerkamp was approved as high school archery coach, a leave of absence for Mackenzie Kopplin and Leslie Hicks was approved.
In other business the board approved the payroll and other claims, approved to authorize the corporation treasurer and/or the superintendent to pay claims, approved the payment of the severance and retirement obligations in the amount of $18,426.45 from the Rainy Day Fund and approved the “Corporation Back to School Plan” as presented.
The board approved the contract for providing property damage, liability, and workers compensation insurance be renewed for the calendar year 2022 with Voldico Insurance Tekulve-Vankirk, for a total cost of $76,122.00 ($56,277.00 for Commercial Package and $19,845.00 for Workers Compensation).
The board approved the 2022-23 school calendar as presented.
It was noted that the next school board meeting will be January 10 at 6 p.m. in the Jac-Cen-Del Elementary Library.
Editor’s Note: Information for this story was taken from unofficial minutes from the Jac-Cen-Del School Board of Trustees’ meeting.
In a story (JCD school board member resigns) that appeared in the Osgood Journal December 28, 2021, about a JCD school board member resigning there was information pertaining to Stacy Gray that was inaccurate according to her. The article said “she (Gray) also emphasized the need for respect and compassion” and the word she said she used was communication rather than compassion. “My quote was ‘coming together and communicating.’” Other misquotes according to Gray are outlined in her following statement: “I was quoted incorrectly. I never said nor implied that ‘other expenses are taking priority over teachers’ raises, one such example being the new, $10,000 sign placed at the entrance of the Jac-Cen-Del campus. I did speak, but there was never any mention of the sign out front that night from anyone. I have never accused the Board or the corporation of other expenses taking a priority over teacher’s raises. Not one time did I mention anything about contracts.”
We regret any misinformation in regards to reporting on this meeting.