June 2 – Save the date to vote

As you come into Versailles from Osgood on US 421 and stop at the first stoplight, you will notice quite an assortment of campaign signs for the upcoming primary election. There are big ones, little ones, and a variety of colors, each one wanting to get their message out and gain your vote.
Amidst the COVID-19 restrictions, Ripley County Election Office staff are working diligently to make sure everyone in the county has the opportunity to vote in the upcoming primary election, now set for June 2.
Ripley County Clerk Ginger Bradford reminds voters there is still time to request an absentee ballot. The deadline for requesting an application for early or absentee voting is Thursday, May 21. You simply need to call the election office at 812-689-4783 and one will be mailed to you.
According to information from the election office there will be in-person voting at local polling places on June 2. They still are in need of people to fill precinct board positions throughout the county. If you are a registered voter, you can contact the election office at the above number or your party county chairman. Bradford noted that personal protective equipment, such as masks, gloves, and disinfectant supplies will be furnished.
According to State Representative Randy Frye, registers voters can now request absentee ballots online. To request a mail-in ballot online, visit IndianaVoters.com and click on the “apply online” button under “Vote by mail or Traveling Board.” Election ballot applications can be requested through May 21. To check your registration status, find early vote locations and hours, or to see who’s on your ballot, Frye suggests visiting IndianaVoters.com.
“Safety is always a priority, including when we are exercising our civic duty,” Frye said. “Using an absentee ballot at this time helps ensure people stay healthy and control the spread of the virus as they participate in the primary election without leaving their homes.”
Election Deputy Diane Macek said they have had a higher than usual number of requests for absentee voting in Ripley County and expect that trend to continue due to the situation with COVID-19 at this time. However, remember if you want to vote in person, you have that right.