‘Lil Miss and court named at 4-H fair

Crowned 2022 ‘Lil Miss is Annslee Patterson; first runner-up Paisley Bennett; second-runner up Mackaylee Christner and third runner-up Gabriella Gomez, pictured from left to right above.
The heat didn’t deter girls from entering the ‘Lil Miss Ripley County at the Ripley County 4-H Fair last Wednesday night. Crowned 2022 ‘Lil Miss is Annslee Patterson; first runner-up Paisley Bennett; second-runner up Mackaylee Christner and third runner-up Gabriella Gomez, pictured from left to right above.
The girls all received sashes and swag bags in purple. Others in the pageant were: Brandi Keith, Karmen Werner, Amelia Redwine, Marlena Steward, Dylan Buchanan, Aleah Raven and Mackenzie Comer. They came dressed in cowgirl boots and short party dresses and were interviewed earlier in the day. The girls each answered an impromptu question on stage. They told their favorite food, about their animals, what the fair means to them, about their siblings and favorite holiday. The girls were all personable and loved being in the pageant that is chaired by Sara Comer of Odyssey Full Salon of Versailles.