Looking for a home for Booboo

Booboo is full of personality and just needs a loving home. If you can provide love to this 16-year-old, please contact the humane society.
The aging process – a process that affects every aspect of our bodies – becomes more evident as the days pass. This change is quite apparent in the senses of sight and hearing.
The same is true for animals. As owners of cats and dogs, people are painfully aware of how our loved one ages as time passes.
Recently, the Ripley County Humane Society accepted the surrender of Booboo, a 16-year-old, 10-pound American Papillon.
Like most senior dogs, both his hearing and eyesight are diminished. He is also experiencing separation anxiety, which is only natural as the life he once knew has so dramatically changed.
Upon his arrival at the shelter, he was taken to the veterinarian, who confirmed that he is in good health. The staff also noted his energy levels are exceptional for a senior dog.
Booboo is a special little dog who needs a very loving person to help him transition to his new home. That special person does exists – one who will adopt him into a loving and caring home where in time he will feel safe and loved once again.
Besides Booboo, there are other senior cats and dogs at the shelter who are anxiously awaiting adoption into a “Forever Home.” For additional information, access their website at www.Rchumane.com.
If adoption is not an option, please consider volunteering at the shelter (located between Versailles and Osgood) where help is always needed in socializing and exercising the dogs and cats to prepare them for their hopeful adoption. The animals will greatly benefit from the exercising and socializing and so will volunteers.