Man dies on annual wagon train ride

The annual wagon train ride on Labor Day Weekend was at the beginning of the journey when this photo was taken on Saturday on Railroad Road near Osgood. There were wagons with steel wheels, rubber wheels, with an array of coverings. Horses of every type were carrying riders that included a variety of people just enjoying the ride as usual. But, Sunday evening, something unusual happened when John Gayheart was bucked from his horse and landed on the pavement, hitting his head, killing him. The riders mourn this tragic turn of events.
A yearly wagon train event turned quickly to a tragic scene when John Gayheart, 47 of Osgood, was bucked off his horse and sustained injuries to his head that ultimately led to his death.
When Ripley County Sheriff’s deputies arrived, EMS was on the scene performing CPR. However, Gayheart passed away near 6780 W. Fairground Road, Osgood a little after 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, September 1.
Gayheart was the son of James Gayheart and Carrie Noble. He was married to Jennifer McIntosh and had two daughters, Cheyenne and Crista. Visitation will be held Friday, September 6 from 3:00 – 8:00 p.m. at Neal’s Funeral Home in Osgood. The funeral service will be held Saturday, September 7 at 10:00 a.m.
Gayheart grew up on Adams Church Road with his brothers and sisters. He attended Jac-Cen-Del schools. He was employed with Kurzhals Inc. of Cincinnati.
Described as a man who loved his family, camping and horseback riding, those who knew him said he was always ready to offer a helping hand to others. His passion for horses will be displayed at his funeral as people are encouraged to wear casual attire, cowboy hats and boots.
The Comer Family Wagon Train has been in existence for many years. In a Facebook post Marsha Comer shared a photo of the wagon train with a double rainbow in the sky and wrote, “God showing up and reminding us He is always with us, even in the most difficult times…” People are asked to keep the Gayheart family and their extended horseback riding family in their prayers as they go through this difficult time.