Milan Board recognizes excellence

Pictured above Milan School Board President Douglas Norman presents Cinda Alrich a plaque for her 23 years of service to the school corporation.
At the regular meeting of the Milan School Board of Trustees Superintendent Jane Rogers recognized Cinda Ahlrich for 23 years of service and dedication to the school and students. She was given a retirement plaque.
Also at the meeting on December 13 Ryan Langferman introduced the following students to the board: Kaitlyn Hannan, Ariel Haessig, Jocelyn Allen and Josie Havlin. These juniors were presented with certificates and recognized for achieving the Rising Star Recognition, an award that is sponsored by the Association of School Principals.
Langferman and the football team presented Travis Rohrig with a check of $5,200 to help the elementary school with the weekend backsack program that provides kids in need of food for the weekend. This was from the Ripley County Turnover Hunger Project coordinated by the Ripley County Community Foundation.
In the Superintendent’s Report, Rogers gave an update on the summer building projects. The pool is in operation and the maintenance shop is progressing at the high school. She noted that the insurance company sent a check for repairs that were needed to the high school due to the roof leak and damage caused by a tornado in June.
Supt. Rogers shared that the Milan American Legion Post 235, the Sons of the Legion and the Ladies Auxiliary donated $16,410 from their Coats for Kids collection to the Milan Elementary School.
The resignation of Christen Hanson as an instructional aide was approved. Also approved were the hiring of Yesenia Miguel as an instructional assistant to ESL students and Hannah Lohrum for the newly created REACH Coordinator position for grades 9-12.
In other business:
A resolution authorizing corporation treasurer, Gretchen Berger to continue paying the 2021 bills through the end of the year was approved. All transfers from major accounts will be explained and approved at the January 10, 2022 meeting.
A motion to approve a resolution to transfer funds from the education fund to the operations fund for funds not allocated to student instruction and learning for the period of calendar year 2022 was approved.
The US Department Of Education regulations require that the schools’ return to in-person instruction plans must be reviewed and revised as needed every six months. The plan must include public comment, and should be posted on the districts school’s public website. No public comments were made and this was approved by the board. Supt. Rogers said she reviewed the plans and they will be posted on the school’s website. As part of the plan, she recommended continuing to pay employees who test positive for COVID-19 up to eight days of sick leave during the time the employee is sick with COVID-19.
The January meeting date has been changed from the original third week to January 10 in order to comply with required timelines for board reorganization.
The board approved the 2022-23 school calendar that was first presented at the November meeting.
Supt. Rogers thanked everyone for coming to the meeting saying it was a pleasure to honor students along with Mrs. Ahlrich. She reported on several service projects taking place including food drives and the Bikes for Tykes program. She said it was thrilling to see students learn the importance of giving back to the community.
Editor’s Note: Informaton for this story was taken from unofficial minutes from the December 2021 board meeting.