Milan celebrates 70 years of ‘54 win

HarleyJo Kennedy Photo
Governor Eric Holcomb made apologies for his wife not being able to make it to the event. After which, he explained, his wife was born and bred in Muncie. The crowd roared with laughter.
Milan Miracle II – Declared a holiday in Milan. March 23, 2024 will go down in infamy as the second Milan Miracle. Greg Rakestraw (2023 Sportscaster of the Year) was the emcee.
Only five players were able to attend. Ray Craft #24; Rollin Cutter #32; Bobby Plump #25; Roger Schroder #22; and Gene White #33 were honored. There was one cheerleader that attended, Pat (Patty) Bohlke Marshall.
There were others honored that were unable to be present. Kenny Delap #14; Bill Jordan #4; and Bob Wichmann #23 are players that were not in attendance. Fred Busching, student manager, and David Jordan, mascot was also honored.
This day was filled with honorees and dignitaries speaking about how the “Milan Miracle” impacted their life. Many of the team recognized the win as a segue to their college career. A college career and opportunities that would have gone elsewhere if Milan had not won.
Mitch Daniels, former governor, spoke about how Milan affected him as a child and once again during his campaign for governor. Daniels family moved to Indiana.
Young Daniels grabbed his baseball glove and went out to explore. He recalled finding a baseball game, eventually. However, Daniels recalls finding more than one basketball game previous to the baseball game.
Daniels states “Milan put small town basketball on the map.” And, “…the inspiration Milan gave to many will never die.” Daniels believes “young people and people everywhere need a dream.” Daniels completes that with “and they need to believe the dream can come true.”
Milan’s win against Muncie Central made people all over believe one could do anything with enough work and practice.
Governor Eric Holcomb, compared the gospels (of the Bible) and the mention of types of miracles: healing; exorcisms; and miracles of mother nature. Holcomb described the “Milan Miracle” as the fourth type of miracle. Holcomb denotes the 1954 Milan team “sought perfection through practice, practice, practice.”
Holcomb reports there was a full basketball court installed at the governor’s mansion. On the hardwood it says “We grow basketball here.” Holcomb was noted to be sporting red Chuck Taylors with his casual blazer and dress pants.
Angelo Pizzo, screenwriter of Hoosiers, spoke and congratulated the Honorees. He also thanked them for their many interactions and for the inspiration they shared with the world.
Pizzo mentioned a phrase written on the board of his first writing class at USC. It said, “The essence of all drama is conflict.” When Pizzo started formulating the Hoosier movie, he was looking for drama. There was none to be found.
He thought there would be no movie come from this great story. Pizzo then realized it was the inspiration and belief in the impossible that was the drama needed to sell this story. And, Hoosiers was born.
Many others spoke, actors from the movie, a faction from Knightstown where the movie Hoosiers was filmed was present. In Knightstown the Hickory Gym is as popular as Milan’s gym and reception area with trophy cases.
Hickory Gym is where the movie version of the Milan Miracle was brought to life on screen. There were vehicles used in the Hoosiers movie for on-lookers to take pictures with, in, and on. The Hickory Huskers bus even had a Gene Hackman feature for fans to get a selfie with Gene.
Deb Shumate, President, Milan Town Council, presented all Honorees in attendance with a plaque that featured a key to the town. The non-attending Honorees will receive a certificate and can have their plaque ordered.
Milan’s finest: Milan Volunteer Fire Department and Milan Police were available for any on-site emergencies. The food trucks rimmed the outer parking area near the vehicle display.
After the original game on March 20, 1954 the town of Milan (population ~1100) was inundated with near 40,000 people. Saturday, March 23, 2024 was not near 40,000 attendees. However, Deb Shumate and the town of Milan declared that March 23, 2024 is a holiday to remember and honor those who make magic on a hardwood court that has lasted more than 70 years.