Milan school renovation discussed at mtg.

At the regular meeting of the Milan School Board there was discussion on the upcoming renovation at the school. Resident Linda Baker was in attendance with questions about the proposed projects. President Douglas Norman told her that the renovations will not raise the tax rate. Superintendent Jane Rogers also answered any questions.
The Resolution Regarding Building Renovation and Maintenance was unanimously approved by the board. This was after a presentation by Bond Council Jeff Qualikinbush, with Barnes and Thornburg. The resolution outlines the need and processes for the building renovation and maintenance. The drawings for the middle and high school office renovations were presented by Hal Kovert with Kovert Hawkins Architects. They were created after talks with the principals and office personnel to create a safe and secure entry and improve functionality of both offices.
Under Personnel:
The resignation of Carol Kimla as a bus driver, and Megan Ridner’s resignation from the elementary school cafeteria was accepted. Dixie Cline was hired as a bus driver. Kristen Honeycutt was hired as a long term substitute in the moderate special education room at the high school.
In other business:
The Board approved the acceptance of an Interlocal Agreement with ROD that Milan will be one of the six participating schools in the ROD Cooperative. The remaining participants are: Jac-Cen-Del, Lawrenceburg, Rising Sun, South Dearborn and South Ripley.
A request from Mrs. Rogers to extend the FFCRA Emergency Paid Leave resolution through the end of the 2020-21 school was approved. The resolution was first passed in July 2020 allowing employees to receive paid leave if they are unable to work due to certain reasons related to COVID-19.
An Energy Savings update was presented outlining the savings during the last four years since the TRANE Energy Savings Project started in 2016. The corporation was guaranteed to save $63,000 per year and the report showed they had saved at least the guaranteed amount plus more.
Mrs. Rogers told the Board they have received a $29,000 grant from the Rising Sun Regional Foundation for health and safety equipment. Tammy Jutzi, along with Noel Houze, wrote the grant that will provide new AEDs, equipment for both clinics, trauma bags for classrooms and additional security cameras. It was also announced that the Napoleon State Bank made two donations to the school: $2,000 to help with virtual learning and $1,500 to the athletic department.
The school received two new buses at the beginning of January. The first is a new 84 passenger bus and the second a new activity bus. Both buses were ordered last spring, but due to the pandemic the manufacturing and delivery of the buses were delayed.
Two teacher training opportunities are taking place. The first is the Digital Learning Capacity Building and the second is Project Based Learning.
The next regular meeting of the school board is Feb. 15.