Milan Schools honor retiring
attorney, students

Attorney Larry Eaton, second from right, was honored by Milan School Board member and Superintendent Jane Rogers at their regular December meeting. He has served as the school’s attorney for 40 years.
At the December meeting of the Milan Board of School Trustees, Larry Eaton was recognized as the school attorney for the past 40 years. Board member Gerald Gauck presented Eaton with a plaque and thanked him for everything he has done for the school. Eaton said it was a pleasure to serve the school corporation for so many years.
Board member Timothy Tuttle thanked Eaton saying, “You have been with us many years through all the highs, and lows and trying times. We appreciate all your help.”
Rising Star certificates were presented to students Parley Hartwell, Ellie Knecht, Benjamin Riehle, and Riley Schwipps. The award is sponsored by the Indiana Association of School Principals (IASP). Each Indiana high school is invited to recognize up to four students currently in the 11th grade who show great potential for continued strong academic achievement.
Grace Kraus, Kindergarten Maternity Leave Coverage; Chelsy Holyoke, Homebound Instruction; Katie McCord, Homebound Instruction; Brandon Mollaun, resignation as HS Instructional Assistant; Renae Shadday, IS/MS Special Education Assistant; and Dave Honnert, resignation as JV Softball Coach.
The following recommendations were approved: Ethan Voss, assistant athletic director; Jenny Laws, HS Dept Chair – English; Carla Listerman, HS Dept Chair – Math; Jessica Small-Summers, HS Dept Chair – Science; Kyle Sabol, HS Dept. Chair – Social Studies.
The 2023-24 proposed school calendar was approved. This was presented in the month of November after working with administrators and teachers.
The board approved a resolution authorizing Corporation Treasurer, Gretchen Berger to continue paying the 2022 bills from the 2022 appropriations through the end of the year to encumber appropriations for bills created in 2022 and payable in 2023. Also to complete the transfer of appropriations from major accounts to balance out the 2022 years. All transfers from major accounts will be explained and approval requested at the January 9, 2023 board meeting.
The board also approved a resolution to transfer funds from the education fund to the operations fund for funds not allocated to student instruction and learning for the period of calendar year 2023.
The US DOE regulations require that schools’ return to in person instruction plans must be reviewed and revised as needed every six months, must include public comment, and should be posted on the district of school’s public website. Superintendent Jane Rogers stated that she has reviewed the plans and recommended approval to continue using the plans with no changes.
The board heard and approved the following fundraising requests:
Heather Sterwerf and the Special Olympics to use the track for their Spring Games on May 20, 2023.
Child Evangelish Fellowship to conduct Good News Club at the elementary school beginning in February.
ROD Special Education Cooperative to use the high school café to host a ROD Transition Fair in April.
The board also approved Dan Goris, school resource officer, to attend the National Association of School Resource Officers Conference in June.
Yatzie Roysden and the Varsity Softball Team was approved to travel to Murfreesboro, TN, for a softball tournament in March.
The first meeting for 2023 will be held on January 9, due to the state requirement to reorganize the board.
Supt. Rogers noted that the work is continuing on the Gym Lobby Project at the high school. Interior walls are going up as well as ongoing electrical work. Teacher Appreciation Grants were distributed to 52 teachers on the December 9 payroll as required by the DOE. She noted a bi-annual audit will take place in January by the State Board of Accounts.
Editor’s Note: Information for this story was taken from unofficial minutes from the December meeting.