Milan schools move forward

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JAG students Haley McKeown and Madison Cavins were introduced at the March meeting of the Milan School Board of Trustees. Carl Schmidt heads up the program at Milan and had the girls speak briefly on what the JAG program has done for them and their plans after graduation.
Superintendent Jane Rogers introduced Archery coaches Mike Allen and Luke Haney. The high school archery team qualified to attend the NASP Indiana State meet. He introduced the senior members of the team: Jocyln Allen, Jade Haney, and Abby Ball. Kaitlyn Carpenter is the current top scorer on the team and is a junior. Abby Carpenter is an eighth grader who qualified as an individual for state.
Charlotte Bevis and Debby Johnson were granted medical leaves. Mary Beth Frondorf and Renae Shaday both resigned as Instructional Aides with Danny Thomas being approved as an Instructional Aide at the middle school for the remainder of the year and Ken Claypoole approved as Instructional Aide at the intermediate school for the remainder of the school year.
Multiple extracurricular coaching recommendation were approved for spring sports.
In other business:
The Board unanimously approved for Jonathan Bruner to attend the Building Thinking Classrooms Conference in June; and Alicia Narwold to attend the 2023 IHSA Convention in April.
A lease agreement was approved for Special Olympics to use the swimming pool for practices during the month of April.
A fundraiser request for the high school volleyball team to host a volleyball camp for elementary students was approved.
Hal Kovert, architect was present to request permission to seek bids for the next phase of the weight room addition. Bids will be opened on April 13 with a contract awarded at the April meeting.
Superintendent Rogers noted that the elementary school has been accepted into the Indiana Literacy Cadre for the next two years. The Indiana Literacy Cadre offers a commitment from the Indiana Department of Education to help advance teachers’ awareness and understanding of the evidence-based research on reading, reading development, and reading instruction
specifically aligned to the science of reading. In the first year, the State pays two-thirds of the salary for a literacy coach, with the school paying one-third. In the second year, the percentages are reversed.
The Superintendent also noted that the application to the State to conduct summer school has been submitted. “We plan to offer courses similar to last year. There will be a REACH summer camp which will offer reading, math, STEM and other trips and activities,” Rogers said. Credit recovery and possible agricultural experiences will be offered at the high school level.
Board member Douglas Norman thanked everyone for coming to the meeting. He congratulated students from JAG and the Archery team saying it was great to see all the diverse opportunities Milan has for students.
Editor’s Note: Information for this article was taken from the unofficial March minutes of the Milan School Board of School Trustees.