Milan schools promote bus safety

Milan School Board members hear from transportation director about light safety for children as they enter and leave their school buses. Milan continues to look for ways to have cutting edge safety for their students.
At the regular board meeting of the Milan Community Schools Board of Trustees, Mike Brandes presented board members with information on a new safety light that bus drives will be passing out to students. Brandes noted that the lights will be used on the bus routes to assist bus drivers and any oncoming traffic with more visibility of students while they are waiting for the bus in the mornings. Milan is on the cutting edge of providing as much safety as possible for their students whether it be in the classroom or getting to and from school.
Brandes also gave updates on renovation projects such as the roof replacement at the high school and middle school is progressing on schedule. He showed a diagram of the roofs that are nearing completion.
Superintendent Jane Rogers informed board members of three grants that were recently awarded to the school. The first is a School Safety Grant for $25,000 that will support the School Resource Officer’s salary. The second was awarded to the Milan Middle School SADD Chapter from the Ripley County Drug Awareness Coalition and the third was $2,500 to the Athletic Department from the Bayer Foundation with America’s Farmers Grow Communities Cooperative.
The required vision screening for students in grades 1,3,4,8 and 11 have been completed. The school partnered with Helton Eye Care in Versailles. Milan Lions Club members along with members of other local Lions Clubs, helped with the process. The school will partner with Margaret Mary Health to hold a childhood vaccination clinic in October to assist families with getting their children caught up with regular, required immunizations.
Under Personnel:
Charlotte Bevis was granted a maternity leave with Debby Johnson approved to cover that leave. Debra Skaggs and Kathleen Davis were hired as instructional assistants at the elementary school. Halye Romans was hired for the evening intermediate/middle school custodian position with Bill Mulroy hired as a part time evening custodian for the middle/high schools.
Taylor Mann was approved to fill the freshman class sponsor vacancy.
In Other Business:
Three conference requests were heard. Approval was given for Brandy Hicks to attend the HECC Conference, Brenda Schwering and Zarah Hileman to attend the ISCA Fall Conference.
Milan Community Dollars for Scholars was approved to use the elementary kitchen and cafeteria for their annual turkey dinner fundraiser, Special Olympics Indiana- Ripley, Ohio and Dearborn County to use the elementary gym.
Fundraiser approvals include: freshman class to sell pizza, Elementary School PTO for students to sell items from Believe Kids Fundraising, Varsity Cheerleaders to hold a mini cheer camp, freshman class to sell school logo cups.
A field trip for the FFA to attend convention was approved. Students participated in CollegeGoWeek with teachers and counselors talking with students about college, technical schools or other opportunities after high school.
The state enrollment count was reported as being about the same as last year’s.
Editor’s Note: Information for this story was taken from unofficial minutes from the September meeting of the Milan Community School Corporation.