Milan Supt. to retire

Jane Rogers
At the regular meeting of the Milan School Board of Trustees held last week, Superintendent Jane Rogers announced her intention to retire at the end of this school year.
Supt. Rogers wanted to announce her intentions early so the school board will have ample time to look for their next superintendent, she told the Osgood Journal.
She said it is difficult to leave a great supportive school board, dedicated administrative team and teaching and staff members along with the caring Milan community and families. However, she noted, “It is time.”
The superintendent has been with Milan Community Schools for 20 years. During that time she was the elementary school principal, and then the superintendent for the past seven years.
Board member Greg Lewis told Supt. Rogers, “We are going to miss you, but happy for you to retire at the top of your game. We appreciate your service and the great things you have done for Milan. We are in a great place because of it,” he noted.
“You’ll see me around,” she promised, when speaking to the Osgood Journal about the next chapter of her life. She wasn’t quite ready to say what those plans are, but she will be a viable part of her community.
The board approved Ryan Langferman’s recommendation of Justin Bushorn as the high school Social Studies teacher. They also approved the resignations of Gayle Healy as Varsity Volleyball Coach and Travis Butte as Freshman Basketball Coach. Tori Haessig was approved as Swim Coach.
Supt. Rogers recommended a salary increase similar to the teacher raise approved in October and a contract rollover for Langferman, Patrick Murphy, John Prifogle and Travis Rohrig retroactive to the beginning of the 22-23 school year. It was recommended that the board amend the terms of the superintendent’s contract. This garnered a unanimous vote.
The board approved a request from the Special Olympics to hold basketball practice using the elementary school gym beginning in November through April 2023.
They approved a request from the CARES Central Committee to use the elementary gym and cafeteria to host a CARES giving Family Event on November 18; and a request from Milan Tribe Wrestling to use the activity building for youth practices November through March.
Fundraiser requests were approved for the FFA to hold their annual fruit fundraiser; middle school cheerleaders to have a booth at the craft show; and Boys Varsity and JV Basketball teams to conduct a fundraiser through Fundraising University requesting donations in exchange for a coupon book.
Field trip requests were granted for AP Chemistry class to visit COSI in Columbus, OH in April; FFA to attend the North American International Livestock Expo in Louisville, KY in November and the HS Band to travel to Chicago in March for their goodwill band tour.
In other business the board approved Dave Patterson’s quote for snow removal for the upcoming winter season.
Editor’s Note: Information for this story was taken from unofficial minutes from the Milan School Board meeting of the Board of Trustees in November.