Milan water tower comes down- Groundbreaking for new development

New development is coming to the Town of Milan. On Monday, March 4, Deb Shumate, President of the Town Council of Milan announced that a new tower would be constructed, and this would be the last day for the original tower to be seen.
The large drinking water improvements projects is supported by Financial Authority and the State Revolving Loan Program which has provided the town of Milan $4M dollars in low-interest loan funds to make the project possible. The Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs provided $700,000 in grant funds for the town of Milan. COO and Director of Environmental Programs Jim McGoff and the SRF team were great value in partnering with the funding of the project. OCRA also funded the town’s planning study which originally started the project. The grant administrator of SIRPC, Kerry McConnell, and Mary McCarty, Director of SIRPC, along with engineers at Curry and Associates, Inc. helped with planning. Lori Young, of Curry and Associates, Inc., stated to The Versailles Republican, “This new tower and water lines will help alleviate past problems and help reduce loss of water pressure, and water boils.”
Mike Holman Excavating will also be onsite with the new construction project. Shumate stated to The Versailles Republican, “I want to thank our state legislatures for the support and the work they do each day to ensure state agencies and programs are available to replace our infrastructure and enhance our quality of life.”
Shumate introduced the utilities team for the town of Milan, Doug Price and Derek Helton, who spend countless hours continuing to maintain the Town. They do a lot behind the scenes to keep the Town running smoothly. The Town of Milan drinking water improvements project will have replacement of water mains throughout the town which have needed attention from aging and deterioration.
Concluding the ceremony of the new development, Shumate stated to The Versailles Republican, “We are excited to see our combined efforts as we move forward with this important project. Let’s break ground!” The town council and contractors grabbed the new shovels provided by Brad Robertson, P.E., of Mitchell and Stark, breaking ground for the new 150,000-gallon spherical tank. The Sphere of the new tank will be painted and resemble a basketball for tribute to “Basketball Town USA.”
This project is first of many to make the Town of Milan a destination town and hope for expansion of new restaurants and shops will join those already established.
On Tuesday, Mar. 5, at approximately 6:30 a.m., Isler Demolition took the project to another level. The 300,000-standpipe tank was being destructed by their crew. Traffic was stopped at the intersection of State Rd 350 and State Rd 101 for everyone’s safety when the whole tower was going to come down.
At approximately 7:00 a.m., the radios were going off between contractors onsite letting each other know the tower was being jacked up for the final destruction. Josh, of Isler Demolition told The Versailles Republican,” Get your camaras ready it is about to come down!” A large boom vibrated the town of Milan for a moment. Cars passing by after the road was cleared for regular traffic were honking their horns for applause. Isler Demolition continued to use their crew to break down the tower debris.
Editor’s Note: Updates from the town of Milan Council will be given as your local newspapers, the Osgood Journal and The Versailles Republican, follow this project.