Miss Ripley County 2024 crowned

Sophia Sullivan is crowned before a live audience at the Damm Theatre in Osgood by 2023 Miss Ripley County Machaela Cobbler.
Sophia Sullivan was radiant in her sequined pink feathery soft gown as she was crowned Miss Ripley County 2024 and the 65th queen of the pageant at the Damm Theatre Sunday evening, July 14.
“I think I’m going to cry,” she said as her name was announced and 2023 Miss Ripley County began putting her sash on, and then the crowning touch. She did cry. Sophia is the daughter of Neal and Rachel Sullivan and a student at Jac-Cen-Del High School. She was also named the winner in the professional wear category in a bold green pant suit with print blouse. When she was asked for her favorite quote, she quoted from the Bible in Proverbs…“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding…in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.” She noted that you just have to trust and that’s what she does.
Each contestant gave their favorite quote and also drew a word from a basket they then had to describe. The Theatre was packed with family and friends and the Little Miss and Little Mister Court from last year were introduced.
The pageant got underway at 6:30 p.m. with 12 contestants for 2024. The People’s Choice Award went to Kinsey Rohls and the total was $1409.00. This year the contestants voted to have the money go to help with foster kids needs in the county. Formal wear top prize went to Kinsey Rohls as well. The Compassion Award in memory of Kristy Sams went to Leanne Ludwig.
The Queen’s Court is always named first. The nail biting began when WRBI emcee Brent Lee began naming them off. Fourth Runner Up: Hailey Kunz, Third Runner Up Jaydn Harrington, Second Runner Up Deborah Murphy, and First Runner Up Leanne Ludwig.
The Ripley County Fair will open on Sunday at 6 p.m. at the Ripley County Fairgrounds Park in Osgood with Miss Ripley County Sophia Sullivan and her court presiding.