Mortgage burning celebration held for Church of Christ at Osgood

It was a joyous occasion at the Church of Christ at Osgood. Many gathered for the celebration Burning of the Mortgage. They had a catered meal, followed by a program with Special speaker Aaron Snelling pictured to the right. At the end of the program Brother Earl Thomas lead everyone outside to light the Burning of the Mortgage. “Alot of vision and elbow grease to get to this celebration day. God’s leading the way”, Brother Earl told Osgood Journal and parish on Sunday.
It was a joyous occasion at the Church of Christ at Osgood. Many gathered for the celebration Burning of the Mortgage. They had a catered meal, followed by a program with Special speaker Aaron Snelling pictured to the right. At the end of the program Brother Earl Thomas lead everyone outside to light the Burning of the Mortgage. “Alot of vision and elbow grease to get to this celebration day. God’s leading the way”, Brother Earl told Osgood Journal and parish on Sunday.