Music to my ears – Holdsworth Entertainment
Pavilion coming soon to Versailles Pocket Park

A rendition of the Holdsworth Entertainment Pavilion is pictured above. This will be situated on the square in Versailles and will be used for a variety of entertainment: music, drama, movies and more. The late Patsy Holdsworth is pictured left with her husband, Gary. The two were instrumental in bringing music and the arts to hundreds of students over the years at South Ripley’s schools and beyond. See information in the story about how you can become part of this project.
Patsy and Gary Holdsworth have left a legacy of love for music through their dedication to teaching and performing in the community they called home many years ago and more particularly South Ripley Schools where they left a stamp of song that will live on in the thousands of lives they touched.
Recently the Music to my Ears – Holdsworth Entertainment Pavilion has been introduced by The Versailles Main Street Beautification Committee who teamed up with the Town of Versailles and others to bring a beautiful pavilion to the historic square in Versailles.
“Our goal is to build an entertainment pavilion to honor Gary and Patsy Holdsworth for their years of dedication to the arts in our community,” noted Holly Wehr, Director of Community Development for the Town of Versailles. She went on to say the Holdsworths were long-time music directors at South Ripley Schools. “In careers spanning more than 30 years, they cultivated the love of music and performance in the hearts of our community. Their legacy has continued through programs and traditions they established like marching band and show choir, and the memories made through experiences such as band camp and trips to Washington DC and New York for thousands of students.”
A fund-raising campaign has been launched that is supported by the Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority to make the pavilion a reality. The goal of $50,000 doesn’t seem too far away with the money already being pledged being around $32,000. The IHCDA will match the local money raised.
The project will see a 20×36 foot elevated covered pavilion that is complete with electric and lighting for the stage area that will be used for live music, dramas, movies and much more. This will be located on the square in Versailles nestled between the town hall and the historic James Tyson building in what will be the Versailles Pocket Park.
When the project began, Wehr noted they asked community members what they would like to see in the space and the overwhelming reply was “music and entertainment.”
“Our goal is to create a community space where people of all ages can spend quality time together,” Wehr stated. You can be a part of this by going online or checks may be mailed to Main Street Versailles, Attn: Holdsworth, PO Box 49, Versailles, IN 47042.
“I’d like to encourage everyone to make donations – doesn’t have to be a big one – any amount helps us reach our goal and contributes effort of building this pavilion that will honor two great people and add a great amenity to our town square,” concluded Wehr.