Need for sewer system discussed at Holton meeting
At the November meeting of the Holton Town Board Mary McCarty was on hand to help the board with the current grant planning for a new and improved sanitary sewer and storm drainage.
According to McCarty, a survey will need to be taken from people in town. Residents having sewer problems should write letters. Board President Andy Stratton noted that the current sewer system is at least 30 years old. Bids from various companies will be reviewed by the newly formed Bid Selection Committee, which is comprised of Amber May, Angi Farrell, Andy Stratton, Paul Hughes and Mark Campbell. Interviews need to take place in December.
It was noted that at the December 9 meeting further discussion will be held concerning the grant planning for the sewer system. A public hearing is set to take place January 13, 2021 concerning the sewer grant process.
An executive session was planned for November 18 to discuss bid selection and interviews for a new maintenance person for the town. As of October 13, Ronnie Downey, resigned from that position. The town was also looking for someone to clean the town hall. According to Stratton, two people have been interviewed with information concerning their hire to be discussed at the regular December 9 meeting. A December 28 year-end meeting has been scheduled at 7 p.m.
Clerk-Treasurer Angi Farrell found rugs for the community center that will save the town around $1500. The approximate cost will be $1200. This will be added for discussion for the January 2021 budget.