New arrivals at Red Wolf Sanctuary
HarleyJo Kennedy Photo
The arrival of two Canadian wolf pups were the attraction of the day recently at the Red Wolf Sanctuary and Raptor Rehabilitation Center.
Red Wolf Sanctuary has been extremely busy. There are several raptors – very young raptors – that have arrived by nests blowing out of trees or their own explorations. Most have minor injuries, if any at all. They will be rehabilitated and released when adult-enough to care for themselves.
The Sanctuary has recently adopted some goats. The goats are more than willing to help out with the never-ending grass cutting/trimming that is required to keep the habitat managed and presentable. The goats, of course, are protected and not exposed to risks while providing the lawncare service.
Orphaned skunks and some foxes, all successfully rehabilitated, are ready to be released. They are released on the Sanctuary property so they will be able to be observed and monitored as they go about their natural existence. It also provides a measure of security as all animals rehabilitated are, by necessity, exposed to humans.
Plans are in the works for a future endeavor. Strasser states “at some point, we are going to fence off a hundred acres and get some bison here too.” The plan for the bison is to start a small herd with a male and three females. Where it grows from there, only time will tell.
Red Wolf Sanctuary is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and continued existence of North American wildlife. Strasser has a Master’s in Education. He is an interesting and engaging tour guide. You can reach Red Wolf Sanctuary to arrange a tour or donate at: or by phone: 812-438-2306.