Nothing Matters But Carson

“Carson Hughes? I know who Carson Hughes is, but it can’t be the same one. I literally just wrote about him two weeks ago.”
It was that same Carson Hughes that went missing on Friday afternoon. It still is that same Carson Hughes this week and the days that follow. And I simply cannot wrap my head around much else than him because quite frankly that’s what this kid deserves.
I’m not going to write and tell you all about how I’ve known Carson Hughes on a personal level because I haven’t. Like a lot of other student-athletes I cover, his name crosses my computer more times than actual interactions. I can tell you how vital he was for Jac-Cen-Del during boys soccer these past couple of years, how he was one of Clint Bohman’s most important basketball players in terms of leadership and that the upcoming spring season meant one more go-around for a kid who has been a staple of the Eagle baseball program. That’s all I’ve known … until now.
But now I’ve got a different story to tell. Like many of you have since Friday, I’ve stalked social media, not just to keep in the know of the day and night ongoings of his search but also to learn more about this Jac-Cen-Del senior. I’m here to tell you, if you’ve done nothing but read the sports section over the last four years then you’re in for a real treat because Carson Hughes is more than just a student-athlete.
He’s a photographer. He’s a young man who has taken a love for art and combined it with a love for wildlife and nature. Versailles State Park has practically been a home away from home for him since discovering a hobby turned obsession. And in doing so, his work has been recognized.
arson Hughes Photography has been displayed at local festivals, his prints have made him a little extra cash (like we all craved at 18 years old) and he became a well-respected member of the nature and wildlife community, a group that appreciates those that preserve and protect the beauty of both categories. In the last few days, I hope you’ve been able to see the exemplary work he has put together.
He’s the spitting image of what you’d want any young person to be.Whether you’re from Jac-Cen-Del or South Ripley or Milan or Batesville, it doesn’t matter because he’s the kid you’d want representing whichever school sits in your backyard. Carson is a leader and a friend, his Eagle teammates and classmates will tell you all about that. Carson doesn’t waste his time with much nonsense. He’s dedicated minute by minute to serving his school, a sport, his friends and family and enhancing his first class photography. In a world where many of us find ourselves questioning today’s youth, trust me you don’t have to question this kid. If you did, he’d have all the answers waiting. Jason and Mandy Hughes, as parents that’s a credit to you and those in your family who value the same qualities.
He brings people together. You can’t even doubt such a statement. In a time of crisis, grief and uncertainty over the past few days, Carson Hughes has brought out the best of small town communities. Whether you have been someone who has descended on Versailles State Park to aid in the search efforts, you have flooded social media with his photography or you have been a part of a business or group that has opened your doors for prayer or provided a hot drink and sack lunch, you’ve shown why nothing beats living in Ripley County. That’s because you not only believe in the power of good and love, but because you believe in what a young man has stood for his entire life.
And with that being said, please do not let that waver. Our true colors are that of love and generosity no matter the day. Both are something we are capable of on a daily basis, whether through good days where the sun shines on a bald eagle in the sky or a sunset low on the horizon much like a Carson Hughes photograph or the worst of days like many of us have experienced since this past weekend.
So today, there is no sports section and no ‘Put me in, coach.’ There is no score, statistic or championship that can’t be put off for a couple more days. Instead, when you read this piece, I want you to put the paper down. I want you to go hug a loved one, to take the time to tell someone how much they mean to you. I want you to go out and support our great community or spend a few extra minutes doing something you love and are passionate about.
Today is a good day to go be Carson Hughes.