One last race…

It was a bittersweet night at the Automobile Racing event at the Ripley Co. Fair on Thursday, July 26. Many of the community came out to support the drivers of the cars. Classes performed were the Midgets, Pure Stocks and Hornets. Leader of the beginning of the race was Willie “Popcorn” Sallee #70 and Ray Craig, Father of late Ryan Craig who passed after battling cancer. The race car had not been driven since 2009 before Ryan was ill and his father wanted to bring it out one last time.
Talking with The Versailles Republican a family member stated, “It has been sitting and the only thing we did was change the oil and refuel and it started right up like “this is what was meant to be.”
Ryan had a love for racing of all classes but he loved racing his 86 Monte Carlo #28. They had one of his shirts on back that had Jeff Gordon on it and Ray stated, “He loved it all and even NASCAR. He dreamt of driving NASCAR some day and said that he wanted that shirt on so that Jeff Gordon would always be behind him. He admired Tony Stewart, who he followed on all his racing.”
Many of Ryan’s family and friends came out in honor of his car being shown. Lots of emotions were seen throughout the crowd but the family knew this is how Ryan would have wanted it to be.
Ray also said, “Terry Eaglin has been a great friend and we wanted to support him as well.” This was Terry’s last race that he will run. Terry Eaglin also stated to The Versailles Republican, “This was my last one and I think it turned out great. A great way to go out in retirement.” He has shown this community a great deal of support in racing and hopes someone can continue to bring back racing to the community.