Only 1 driver in 3 vehicle crash

A Holton couple were just finishing up their day and getting ready for bed when wham! They heard and felt a crash at the front of their new home.
Don and Sherrie Williams built their home a year ago in October at 3845 S County Road off 800W about a mile west of Holton on US 50. Last Wednesday, October 23, about 8:30 p.m. they felt the wind as a car driven by Annie Alexis Davis Etienne, 49, of Butlerville, literally drove within 18 inches of their home and crashed into both of their parked vehicles.
“I heard a big boom and then saw taillights blinking,” Don told the Osgood Journal, as he tried to get oriented and see what was happening outside their house.
Sherrie explained that the car was traveling east on US 50 when it left the roadway, went through a fence on their property, through a field and over a mounded septic system to crash in between both their car and truck, damaging both extensively.
“There was a cast iron piece in pieces and the post it was on in four pieces,” she noted, “but a glass globe didn’t get shattered as we would have expected.”
The Williams’ immediately checked on the driver, who was the lone occupant of the other car, and called 911. “We were thankful no one was killed,” they agreed, and said they hope to find the lady’s address to send her a card. The call went out as a three-vehicle crash, and that’s what happened, but only one driver and person was hurt.
According to information from Chief Deputy Sheriff Lee Davidson, Etienne was transported to the hospital. No impairment is suspected.